Chapter 9

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Shelley tripped over her own foot, and fell. She groaned as she got up. She could hear the other kids laughing at her, and her cheeks burnt with embarrassment.

"FREAK!" It was a boy in her class who said it, a fairly attractive guy named Logan. Shelley looked down at her feet. Logan laughed again and ran off with his mates, and Shelley knelt over to gather her books together.

Silently, her brother began to help her. "They're just dicks, Shell," Roman said, after they had finished packing the books back into Shelley's open rucksack. He touched her cheek lightly and smiled.

Things like this had happened before- Shelley was pretty much used to it by now. But it still stung- the kids were such... well, children. "I am fine." Shelley tapped into her phone. Roman nodded. "Just don't let 'em get to you."

"Where as Peter?" asked Shelley's phone. She had meant to type is.

For a moment Roman looked confused, but then he realised what she had done. "Oh, I don't know... I guess he can miss school and stuff, cos' he's like a gypsy?"

Shelley made a small, disappointed noise. "Why do you ask?" Roman said.

"I just wondered," Shelley typed.

"Look, I have to get to class-" Roman was trying to avoid the question. She was sure that he was lying. She interrupted him with: "What is the vargalf?"

Shelley noticed Roman visibly freeze. "What did you just say?"

Shelley repeated the question.

"How did you know about that?" Roman looked furious. Shelley mumbled and shrugged. "How did you know?!" Roman grabbed her shoulders.

"I heard you and Peter," Shelley tapped viciously at the screen. "Don't be mad." She was frightened at Roman's violent outburst, and whimpered slightly.

"Shell, I'm not mad. Just... stay out of our business, okay?" Roman patted her shoulder. It was strange- the way his mood could change so quickly, that was. He was now back to his calm, silently-confident self.

Shelley nodded nervously. She didn't want to set him off again- but at the same time, she really needed to know the truth. She would just have to search for it on her own... even if it was against Roman' wishes.

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Where stories live. Discover now