Chapter 10

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The morgue was freezing- cold as death, Destiny thought, as she took a scalpel from her pack. The cutting tool sliced cleanly into the dead man's tongue. Thick and dark blood began to pool around the post-mortem wound, and Destiny wrinkled her nose in disgust. This is for Peter, she thought. You know it's worth it.

With one violent hack, Destiny cut through the rest of the tongue. Her hand jerked back and the tongue flopped onto the floor like a dead fish. Gross. Destiny picked it up cautiously. The blood stained her white latex gloves red, and she held it in her left palm so that she wouldn't drop it. It felt cold, and a little bumpy.

"This better work," Destiny mumbled under her breath. She stuffed the tongue into an ice pack, and slid the dead body back into its shelf. She already had everything else she needed- needle and thread, a jam jar full of soil and some maggots. She would be ready to perform the procedure the very next day.

She removed her gloves and left the room. She was going to save Peter.

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Where stories live. Discover now