Chapter 13

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"What?" Peter snapped. Roman was looking- no, staring- at him.

Roman breathed in abruptly. "You... can talk!"

"No shit," Peter said slowly. He turned to Linda. "What did you tell him when you told him to come here? He's acting like he doesn't know."

"I told him everything," Linda shrugged. "The boy's still in shock."

Roman looked up at Linda. She seemed a lot more in control than she had been before- for obvious reasons. "I'm not in shock," Roman protested. "I just didn't know for sure that it was, ya know, actually going to work."

"Well, it did," Peter shrugged and got to his feet. He walked over to the sink and grabbed a tall glass of water. While he gulped it down noisily, Roman rolled his own glass between his palms.

"Sooo... the vargalf?"

"Stole my tongue," Peter replied.

"That much was obvious," Roman snorted. "Did you get a good look at it?"

"Yeah, but only in my wolf form. It's gonna take some of Destiny's mojo before I can tell the difference between a nightmare and memory."

"So we have absolutely no leads?" Roman threw his hands wide. He sounded angry.

"Only until I find a way to enhance Peter's memory," Destiny chipped in. She had been sitting on the sofa next to Peter whilst Linda leant against the set of drawers on the opposite wall.

"And what if it comes back, huh?" Roman snarled. "What if it does something worse this time?"

"Calm down," Peter said in between glugs.

Roman shook his head in despair. "Well, you need to find a way to work out who it is," he told Destiny. "Look, I'm outta here. My mom just texted me telling me that we're going grocery shopping- and no one can say no to the mighty Olivia Godfrey." His voice was sarcastic.

"Come back anytime," Linda said softly as Roman slammed the door.

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Where stories live. Discover now