Chapter 22

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Peter was awoken by a rap on his windowpane. "Well, that's not fucking creepy in the slightest," he mumbled as he pulled open the curtains to find Roman peering in. Peter held up a hand to his friend to indicate that he would be five minutes tops, and quickly pulled on some dark jeans and a black tank top and jacket.

"You're dressed like a grave robber," Roman noted, and Peter remembered the night they had met at Brooke Bluebell's death site.

"I dressed like you," Peter replied, like it was a private joke.

They legged it to Roman's car as quietly as they could without waking Linda, and Roman hopped over the door and into the driver's seat. He looked disturbingly excited.

"You know, I don't know why you leave your car out in the open like this. It's almost like you want someone to come and steal it."

"You mean someone like you?" Roman snorted.

"Out here, a gypsy might be your smallest worry. It could be a werewolf, or even a bear," Peter joked. "But I guess you can always just buy another car with the Godfrey family funds."

"Ha ha," Roman said slowly. "This was my dad's. Money can't replace memories of him- not even Godfrey money."

Peter fell silent at the sudden serious tone the conversation had taken, and looked away and out into the night. The chilly air brushed his cheeks with fingers light as icicles, and he shivered. The moon was out; a cold, numb blue; encircled by clouds studded with diamante drops of frost, and jewelled with the promise of a cold winter. The forest rushed past, as silent as mourners at a funeral; each tree hooded with pine cones, standing watchful like a host of Grim Reapers.

"Peter?" The two friends looked at each other, their banterful nature completely gone. "I don't want this to make anything... weird," Roman said.

"We're going to kill a girl and you're worried it'll make things "weird"?" Peter didn't know whether to laugh or not.

"We're going to kill a killer," Roman corrected.He shook his head, and laughed a little. It was a sad laugh, the kind of laughone makes when one knows the ending, and knows it will not be a good one. Peterlaughed too, the same laugh. Little did they know how bad the ending would be.Mdg

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora