Chapter 12

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Peter grunted as the needle went in.

"Does it hurt?" Linda stroked his face anxiously as Destiny began to sew. Peter grunted again- it wasn't like he could respond with words. His tongue felt numb- that was the effect of the ice his mom had placed in his mouth earlier. He consequently had a massive brain freeze.

It was a strange feeling- being able to note the needle puncturing his skin, that was- but not feel any pain. Still, it was a fairly uncomfortable position. Destiny's hands were in his mouth, and on top of that was the awkward texture of the soil. What was worse was the consistent wriggling of the maggots burrowing into his saliva like children in a paddling pool.

Peter nearly gagged at the thought, and Linda stroked his face again and hushed him. "Everything's going to be okay." She whispered comforting nothings into his ear as Destiny continued to work. Suddenly, Peter felt a stab of pain. His face contorted and he gripped the arms of his chair.

"What's wrong?" Linda asked.

"The numbing effect from the ice must be wearing off," Destiny replied. "Aaaand... done!" She carefully snipped the thread with a tiny pair of scissors. Peter felt her pick up a misplaced maggot from his mouth and drop it back into the jar from which it came.

Linda looked into her son's mouth. "That is disgusting," she said slowly, and almost like she was fascinated. Peter made a noise in the back of his throat, one that would have involved expletives were it translated into words. "Alright, alright." Linda threw up her hands and stepped back.

"The maggots and most of the dirt is now trapped between your tongue and the tongue," Destiny told him. "Now, hold still so I can work my magic."

She began to chant some ancient rhyme, and Peter wiggled uncomfortably in his seat. A fire was growing in his mouth, an itchy fire that felt like red ants were crawling all over his tongue and the roof of his mouth. His teeth ached and he gritted them together.

As Destiny began to ululate, Peter roared out in pain. "Stop- stop! Make it stop!" He looked up at his family and for a second he was confused. Then he realised that he had just spoken and whooped. He had his speech back.

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Where stories live. Discover now