Chapter 8

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Peter gasped as he awoke. The nightmare had been vivid; a snake swallowing its own tail, and blood, everywhere blood. Just like before. His mouth felt numb, and for a second he hoped that it had all just been part of the dream- but when he reached with fumbling fingers into his mouth, all he felt was a jagged piece of flesh where his tongue had once been. He gagged.

"Momaghagh," he called out for Lynda. She rushed into the room, and gently pushed him back onto the bed as he tried to get up. She hushed him as he tried to communicate.

"Oh, my poor boy, my poor boy." She pushed his head onto her chest and stroked his hair in a soothing way. "Mama's here."

Peter made a gurgling sound in response. She carried on. "I promise you, it'll only be like this for a little while. Destiny's going to sort something out- you'll be fine, just fine."

Peter felt a sense of hope rise up inside him- yet some part of him knew that it was futile. His cousin was a genius, but that didn't mean she could magically cure everything. Maybe he would be like this forever. He buried his face into his mother's hair. They would just have to wait and see.

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Where stories live. Discover now