Chapter 16

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Roman thumbed Peter's number into his phone, his fingers trembling. Suddenly the screen was filled with a notification- a call had come up from Peter. Roman slid the green button to the right hurriedly.

"You dreamed that too, right?" Roman said at the same time as Peter said: "Did you dream the same thing?"

Both went silent, until Roman sighed. "Sheeit."

"How did we not see it before?" Peter began, his voice turning excited. "I mean, she was obsessed with me! She still is!"

"So... she was a vargalf beforehand? I'm confused- I mean, the murders only started when you arrived."

"There is a way that you can Turn without being born one. But the likelihood that you'll end up as a vargalf is a pretty big one- which explains why Christina turned into one." Peter sighed. "I don't know why I didn't think of this before."

"How did she do it?" Roman asked, frowning.

"She must have drunk from the footprint of a werewolf. My footprint." Peter shivered. "I probably left them all over the forest on the night of the full moon."

"Sheeit," Roman said again. "So... what are we gonna do about it?"

There was a pause. "Well... she killed people. We have to kill her- just like we planned to kill the vargalf before."

Roman swallowed and looked around his dark bedroom. Clothes were draped on hooks and on the back of chairs, as well as the floor, and they looked like human shadows. Not that he was creeped out or anything. "I'll see you at school tomorrow," he told Peter. "Then we can talk."

"Sounds like a plan," Peter said.

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Where stories live. Discover now