Chapter 27

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Christina's bedroom window was suddenly flooded with blue light from the street outside and Roman heard the wail of sirens. Christina struggled in Peter's arms.

"Do it," Peter growled at him. "There's no way we're getting out of this now. We need to kill her before she kills another innocent person!"

"How?" Roman swallowed down his disgust at the thought of killing her. This wasn't like before, with Tyler.

Roman didn't realise he had spoken out loud. "You killed Tyler?" Christina asked, sounding panicked and out of breath. Peter's eyes widened. "Chop off her head," he told Roman, but he couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Come out," the voice came from outside, amplified by some sort of speaker. "You're under arrest."

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Where stories live. Discover now