Chapter 5

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The words echoed in his mind as he headed for his car. Try not to do anything stupid. He wasn't an idiot- he knew that- but he did sometimes act rashly. Well, he wasn't perfect- that was what made him human. As he ran up the steps leading away from Peter's house, he stopped for one second so that he could look back. From the outside, the house seemed serene yet alone- but not lonely. Roman couldn't describe the feeling, yet knew that he had never felt it. He was always lonely. Had been- until he met Peter.

Roman pondered upon the words as he got in his car, and on the drive home. Try not to do anything stupid. He sped along the road going at least ninety miles an hour. He felt anger build up inside him, and he pressed his foot down on the gas pedal.

Suddenly, he saw a bright yellow jacket-clothed man jogging by the side of the road. No- he was too short to be a man, and was too skinny. A boy, probably a freshman. As Roman got closer and closer to the figure, he thought about giving him a little... nudge.

Some part of his brain was horrified but the other... the other wanted to see what would happen. Just when he thought that he wasn't going to go through with it, Roman's hands swerved the car towards the figure. There was a sickening thud as the boy hit the bonnet, and Roman only ducked in time to see him go flying over his head.

Roman felt power rush through him as he braked. Blood trickled down his front window, and he got out of his car. He hadn't realised it, but he had been smiling- and when he saw the boy on the road behind his car he smiled even more.

The freshman moaned and twisted onto his back. Roman looked him in the eyes, and felt a sick sense of pleasure in his gut as the boy looked back at him- he was terrified. Roman cocked his head to the side. "Tyler? Is that you?" The boy's face was almost unrecognisable with all the blood plastered upon it. "I didn't know you liked to jog."

"I- I run track," Tyler gripped his ribs and grimaced.

Oh yes, he's a jock. Roman crouched down and locked his fingers together. This piece of shit used to go out with my cousin, he remembered. He cocked his head. "Does it hurt?"

Tyler looked uncomfortable. "Uhh..."

"It's an easy question. Does- it- hurt?"

"Very much so," Tyler replied, with a level of sass that Roman did not appreciate. Tyler awkwardly laughed at Roman's stony expression. "Hey, it's not like you meant to run me over though, right?"

Roman did not reply. Tyler looked uneasy. "Hand me your phone," Roman said. "I'll call you an ambulance." Tyler fumbled inside his pocket and turned up an iPhone. He pressed the home button and looked at the lock screen. It was a picture of last year's drama production. There was no signal this far out into the woods... not that Roman was going to call for help anyway. He chucked the phone into the forest nearby.

"Hey!" Tyler yelped. "That was a birthday present!"

"Look... spaghetti arms," Roman smirked as Tyler blushed a deep shade of red. Tyler hadn't known that Roman had heard him quote Dirty Dancing to Christina, his little... whatever she was. Tyler abruptly closed his mouth, and Roman stood up and towered over the boy. "You're going to bleed out soon." He paused, and sighed. "It's too bad you have to die. Letha will be so upset. Although not too upset, I may add. After all, you are only her ex-boyfriend."

"You're fucking crazy," Tyler blurted out. Roman kicked him in the stomach, causing him to moan and cough up blood. This was getting boring. Roman bent down and hit Tyler's ribs with the back of his hand, puncturing his lungs in the process with the shattered pieces of broken ribs. That should kill him.

"Maybe," Roman told Tyler. "But even if I am, I'm not the one lying on the floor, dying." He smirked down at the younger boy. As Tyler heaved his last breaths, Roman picked lazily at some dry skin on his knuckles.

He walked back to his car. Try not to do anything stupid. He smiled to himself. But stupid feels so good.

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Where stories live. Discover now