Chapter 4

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Roman marched up to the front of the Rumanceks' house and rapped impatiently upon the screen door. Lynda opened it gently and held up a finger to her lips before Roman could blurt out a sentence.

"Peter's sleeping," she said. Her voice wobbled when she said it, and her eyes suddenly glazed over with tears. Roman was alarmed.

"What happened?" he stepped into the front room, and Lynda shut the door.

"It's- it's Peter-" Lynda began.

"Well, obviously." Roman stuck his hands into his jean pockets.

"Sit down. Would you like some coffee?"

"I'd like to know what's going on," Roman raised his voice. Lynda immediately shushed him, and pushed him over to the sofa. She sat down on the other chair. He noticed that her hands were shaking. Roman wondered where Peter was.

"He's been injured," Lynda told him. Roman gripped the blanket covering the sofa.

"How?" his voice was quiet, yet enraged. It must have been the vargalf that had hurt his friend. If he could have, he would have killed the fucking thing himself-

"It could have been another wolf... or simply an accident-"

"I meant, in what way? Where? Is it permanent?" His voice trembled with anger.

Lynda had to take a sip of coffee before continuing, however she managed to keep her voice strangely calm. "His tongue. It was ripped out."

Roman felt an awful gripping feeling in his chest and throat, like he was having a heart attack. Lynda felt his arm, apparently having seen something in his eyes. "Roman?"

Roman felt a little faint, and started to breathe faster. Peter- Peter had been injured. His tongue ripped out. The facts seemed unreal- like his whole life since he had met the Rumanceks. "Get off me." His voice was unnaturally stable- cold and emotionless, although he felt like he was falling apart into tiny pieces.

"I- I know it hurts. I know," Lynda continued to hold him. Somehow she could see through his cold-blooded disguise to who he really was... unlike his own mother. She moved to sit beside him on the couch. "But I've already thought of a solution... sort of."

Roman broke away from his trance and looked her in the eyes. She sighed heavily and pushed a strand of her brown hair behind her left ear. "I can call Destiny. She might be able to find an... unconventional... way to fix this. I hope to God she can." Lynda sounded tired and strained- burdened with not only the hardships of life but Peter's affliction- and now this. I hope to God that He can fix this too, Roman thought. If there is one.

"Is there any way- any way- that I can help?" he asked Lynda.

"Go home, Roman," she told him. "Go home, and try not to do anything stupid."

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Where stories live. Discover now