Chapter 23: Second Chance

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Chapter 23: Second Chance

Kelsey emerged from the bath, running her fingers through her scalp and squeezing the water out of her hair. Soaking in the tub didn't help her anxiety, still enduring the tightness and the rapid thump in her chest. A sharp intake of breath through her nostrils alerted her, once again, that she had forgotten to breathe. She closed her eyes, forcing herself to breathe out through her mouth and inhale through her nose, repeating it until her heartbeat slowed back to a steady pace, although the memory of that phone call didn't go away, not even the nightmares from before. No matter how hard she tried to suppress or cast them out of her mind, it all returned ten times stronger.

She wanted to tell the agent the truth, but doubt won the battle. What if she told him, and he didn't believe her? What if she returned home without proof of Asgard's existence, only to be declared insane by the same man? What if the man wasn't an FBI agent, and he turned out to be a bum who not only stole her phone but loved to play tricks as well? She wasn't the one who liked to be played for a fool. Kelsey admitted all this was ridiculous, but it didn't stop the walls from building around her, higher than the Walls of Jericho.

Once again, she found herself lost in her thoughts. Nothing was helping her, not even her happy place in the water. She needed a distraction - anything to keep her mind off her troubles. She focused outside, specifically the stars up close and personal, unlike Midguard's stars. Jane would've loved to study them here; it's beautiful. While Kelsey wasn't keen on being an astrophysicist, she understood the fascination and satisfaction of them. She could never forget Papaw's man cave upstairs at the old farmhouse, where he and Nana lived before...

It was no observatory or a Ravenclaw tower. It was a triangle room with chalkboard walls and a window big enough to see everything through a telescope. Kelsey could never get over the pinned star charts surrounded by calculations and notes she could never pick up in science class. The room wasn't cluttered or disorganized like a mad scientist with an unhealthy obsession. At least the man knew how to throw his food away and not leave coffee residue stains or peanut shells scattered over the table. Unfortunately for Jane, she was off the deep end to care for such things, let alone self-care and her loved ones who were still living. Losing a father - a loving, respectable father - took a toll. Kelsey saw that firsthand with Mom. It was like watching a wildfire burn everything that used to be so beautiful, and no bucket of water could save it. Then, a tidal wave came along - another precious life lost too soon, and Kelsey was treading water to keep everyone afloat for her brother and herself.

"Have you been taking care of yourself, Jane?" Kelsey asked in concern. Jane scoffed, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. Somehow, their roles reversed - Kelsey became the responsible adult while Jane was the cranky teenager. "I know I'm guilty of staying up late, but drinking five Monsters isn't healthy. That would explain some stuff."

"Like what, forgetting your birthday?" Jane raised her voice. "I already apologized for that! Get over it!"

Kelsey couldn't help but bitterly laugh as another piece of the puzzle flashed before her eyes. If only the mad scientist knew that Kelsey didn't care about her birthday; it was a painful reminder that she was getting older. Then she would blink and find herself outliving her mom's thirty-nine years of life. Any parent would rather have that than the alternative, but it didn't make it better for Kelsey. Mom won't be there for her daughter's high school graduation or wedding, nor will she be able to hold her hand as Kelsey gives birth. All those precious moments were stolen from her. Jane should know better than anyone what Kelsey was going through these past few months, but she didn't care - too busy groveling in her own self-pity and burying herself deep into her work...

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