Chapter 16: A Common Ground

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Chapter 16: A Common Ground

"You have proven yourself well, my friend," Loki complimented, hearing a quiet 'thank you' from Kelsey. He pressed his back against the library doors, watching his friend wrap the wet towel around the back of her neck. He couldn't see her face, yet the tone in her words spoke volumes. "You don't believe me?"

"Not really," Kelsey grumbled, wiping the sweat from her forehead. "My technique was sloppy, especially that flip." She waved her hand dismissively, "I know it is a learning process, and it's just me being a perfectionist, but still..."

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Loki commanded. "You forget that you are mortal, not a god. Besides, all beginners must learn how to fall in order to rise." He stepped closer to her, who watched him from the corner of her eye. She debated whether to step away or allow him to close the distance. She originally wanted to return to her room to clean up and cool off before dinner, but Loki insisted the library was the coldest room in the kingdom. Hardly anybody reads here, which means less crowded body heat and odor to worry about other than their own. Kelsey reluctantly agreed and proceeded cautiously, still not forgetting what happened outside.

"Loki, I can't even do a cartwheel," she sat on the arm of the chaise. "The way you move is like you're dancing. It's art, and I'm not."

Loki smirked, "Perhaps."

Kelsey scoffed and rolled her eyes. Now it's my turn for him to roast.

"Kelsey, look at me."

The girl sighed and faced him, not much further apart.

"You will find your way," he assured her, "and it shall be a Kelsey."

The girl tilted her head and squinted at his choice of words. She didn't expect him to say that.

"It shall be a Kelsey?" she poorly imitated his accent.

"Do you know the meaning behind your name?"

Kelsey shrugged, "Yeah, it means island."

"That may be, but in English origin - it means ship's victory."

Kelsey blinked and averted her gaze in disbelief. She had never thought of being victorious in anything. She was more athletically inclined than intelligent. She had to see a speech specialist for early language delay. She had always thought her name to be un-unique, but now her perception has shifted drastically, all thanks to the god of mischief - the one everyone warned her to stray from. She could feel the walls taking a hit, only this time, she allowed them to crack for the time being.

"Huh..." she uttered, dousing the burn in her eyes by dabbing them with her washcloth, "that's interesting. I - um... I appreciate you saying that. That does make me feel... a little bit better."

"I may be called the god of mischief, though not everything I say is all lies."

"Only half-truths?" she challenged. Cool air swept across her arm, nearly startling her. Loki was now a foot away from her frame - face to face. They should keep a distance, not only because of their stink from staying outside too long.

"More than half-truths," he promised softly. "As of this moment, I speak the full truth."

How could he say that? He doesn't even know me. Kelsey breathed out through her nose and hummed, the corner of her lips curled.

Loki raised a brow as he challenged her, "Am I wrong?"

"No," she shook her head, but her sad smile remained. "I agree. All of us - we're all extraordinary in our own special way," she could almost hear her mother saying these things to her, suppressing the strong urge to roll her eyes. It was time to change the subject. Kelsey hopped off the chaise and approached a bookshelf full of thick and thin literature, not a patch of dust. Whoever was in charge of cleaning the shelves had done an excellent job.

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