Chapter 4: Jump Scares

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Chapter 4: Jump Scares

"Oh my God..." Garrett whispered before crying out, "That crazy-ass storm turned Kelsey into a dude!" Everyone glared at him as if he was crazy, except for AJ, who was thrilled that he now had an older brother and not a sister.

"Cool," AJ commented with a smile.

The others didn't know what to believe. That tornado came out of nowhere, and Kelsey wasn't around, just an unconscious man on the ground. Maybe Garrett was right. Perhaps the twister did change Kelsey's gender. It's impossible, but a wise man once said, 'Nothing is impossible.'

Jane took in the man's appearance to see that he had bulky muscles hidden underneath the long sleeve grey undershirt. Darcy used her flashlight to analyze the facial hair and the masculine chiseled jawline. If the man was Kelsey, the storm did a great job with the extreme makeover.

"Does Kelsey need CPR?" Darcy asked once she had taken in Kelsey's handsome appearance. "I totally know how to do it!"

Jane hovered her ear over his face to feel any signs of breathing; her heart pounded faster in a panic.

"Can somebody call 9-1-1?!" Jane asked aloud, cupping the man's neck to check for a pulse.

"We're outside of town," Erik explained as he extended his arm for a signal. "We have no reception here."

"Then, get the first aid kit!" Jane snapped before pleading to the unconscious victim in a frantic whisper, "Kelsey, if this is you, I'm so sorry. I know you hate me right now, but please do me a favor and don't be dead. Please!"

The man miraculously gasped wide awake, startling the team.

"Oh, thank you, Lord!" Garrett gasped for breath that he had been holding. "Thank you, Jesus!" He placed a hand on his chest, raising the other to praise the Almighty.

The stranger blinked at the bright light and stared at the woman above him - a possible angel of Valhalla. Had he died?

Jane noticed the man's eye color. She recognized that Kelsey had brown eyes, not blue, not to mention the hair color. This man couldn't be Kelsey. But if this man wasn't Kelsey, then who was he? Where did he come from? More importantly, where's Kelsey?


Loki and Odin silently watched Thor's transportation into the mortal world known as Midgard, along with Mjolnir.

Loki looked back at his father, completely astonished, "Father... I-"

"No need to plea for mercy, my son," Odin interrupted, not bothering to retreat his gaze from the fading portal. "You believe banishing Thor might've been too harsh and unwise." Loki closed his mouth. "It may have been harsh. It may have been cruel, but the boy must learn."

"I understand, Father..." Loki was reluctant. Odin's command to speak his mind was the only encouragement Loki needed. "Must you leave Thor alone to fend for himself?" He squeezed his eyes shut briefly, shaking his head, "No. I take that back. You offered Mjolnir for a purpose. The question is... Shall it become Thor's guide and key back home or a cruel elaborate trick to keep him astray?" The Allfather didn't answer right away. Loki fought back the emotion laced in his voice, "Must my brother endure forever?"

His father finally met his gaze, shaking his head, "Nothing last forever, son. One day, Thor Odinson shall perish from this universe and cross the bridge to Valhalla." Loki perked, widening his eyes at the declaration. The way Odin had emotionlessly uttered those painful words, nor did he shed a single tear. He stated it as a simple fact. Just as Loki was about to question his father further, Odin elaborated, "You must understand, dear boy. We are not gods. We born, we live, we die - just as humans do."

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