Chapter 19: Ignorance is Arrogance

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Chapter 19: Ignorance is Arrogance

Jane and Thor were in the lab, recreating equipment that S.H.I.E.L.D. had stolen, while Erik was multitasking in the library for research purposes and reconnections to old friends. One student deserved a B+ for lending Erik a hand with Thor's fake ID—all the things Erik had done for the Foster family. Garrett and Darcy explored the town to do countless errands; some Jane had made up to keep them out longer.

"Screwdriver," Jane commanded.

Thor turned to see many tools lying on the table, unsure which one was which. Taking a guess, he picked up a random mechanism, hoping it was right.

Jane thanked him, taking the tool, but quickly double-take to realize that he didn't give her the screwdriver as requested, "Thor, this is a wrench."

"Oh," Thor lowered his head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry. I had never done anything like this before in my world - you know - crafting something extraordinary such as this." Most people would find that hard to believe. A man with rough hands should be capable of hardware.

"I can see that," Jane giggled, which made Thor even more embarrassed. She placed an encouraging hand on his shoulder, making him look at her, "But you're learning. You're trying. That's all that matters."

Thor's mouth twitched into a smile, "You are very kind." His eyes lowered to the crafted machine before them, "The only time I have seen a woman dirtying her hands is when she is cooking and crafting vases."

"Really? Are your people old-fashioned? Girls never do anything with the boys?"

Thor tilted his head to the side; one woman came to mind, "Sif."


"She journeys with me in battle. She is the only woman I know who can handle a sword and live to tell about it... Well, she doesn't tell people about it, but I made sure she took part in receiving the honor. Sif, Volstagg, my brother-"

Jane cocked a questioning brow, "She?"

Thor nodded and smiled, "Yes, Sif is a female - a good friend of mine."

Jane stepped past him to retrieve the screwdriver, then quickly turned back to the machine without giving Thor eye contact, "Was she ever more than that?"

Thor furrowed his brows in confusion, "Whatever do you mean?"

"I-I mean, w-was she... was Sif like a girlfriend or something?"

He blinked, still lost, "A friend who happens to be a woman? Yes."

"I mean," the subtle approach wasn't working; time to be more assertive. Although her tone contained reluctance, almost uncomfortable at the thought of hearing the worst possible answer, "Were you two ever, you know, romantically involved?"

Thor was silent for a moment before he burst into laughter.

Jane whirled to face him questionably, "What?"

"No, Jane," Thor shook his head. Happy tears welled in his eyes, which he wiped away, "Sif and I are not like that at all. If anything, she is like a sister to me."

"Really?" The woman didn't intend to sound hopeful, like a schoolgirl discovering her crush was single again.

Thor confirmed it with a nod, "Yes."

Jane sighed with relief, "Oh, good." Her eyes widened, realizing what she had just said. She quickly faced him to rectify her mistake, "I-I mean it-it's good that you have a friend who's like family to you." She cleared her throat awkwardly, averting those innocent blue eyes. Her cheeks heated up as she mentally beat herself for asking these stupid questions. "So, are you involved with anyone special in Asgard?" Although, she couldn't help but allow the words to roll off her tongue without thinking.

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