Chapter 20: David vs Goliath

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Chapter 20: David vs Goliath

Fandral grunted as his back slammed against the wall, Kelsey's forearm pressed against his neck. He tapped her elbow, silently commanding her to step back so he could have some air.

"Not bad," Fandral complimented her with a smile as he panted for breath. "Remember, don't be afraid to come closer when you are shifting them against the wall," he pulled her forward, lifting the arm back against his neck. Their sides nearly touched, too close for the girl's comfort. "They expect you to create the distance, not the other way around."

Kelsey nodded, releasing a shaky breath, "Okay." She resumed her back against the wall, "Let's go again."

"Perhaps, she should take a break, Fandral," Sif suggested. "Her burns might have healed, but Eir advised not to overdo it."

"I'm fine, really," Kelsey protested. "Can I try one more time? Just one more? I really want to get this right." There was a moment of reluctant silence to consider her request. "Please?"

"Sure," Fandral was the first to cave. "Another blow to the back will not kill me..." The man trailed off, realizing the poor choice of words.

"Fandral," Hogun scolded quietly, even though Fandral knew his mistake.

The charming warrior facepalmed, "Damn. Um - I - Forgive me, Kelsey."

The girl waved it off as if it didn't bother her, "No. No. No, you're fine. It's okay."

"No, it is not. What happened to you last night was traumatic, to put it lightly. That monster nearly killed you and..." Fandral refused to shift the blame on anyone or anything; this was his fault, and he must own up to his words. "I was being insensitive."

"No. Really, it's okay," Kelsey smiled to ease the man's guilty conscience. Honestly, the attack was nothing compared to what happened later that night. Kelsey begged Eir to clear her, for she did want to go home, where it was safe. However, the burns extended her recovery time, much to Kelsey's frustration. Until then, Kelsey must keep her distance and learn how to defend herself if a frost giant or friend repeatedly corners her with no chance of escaping. While Fandral taught her to wrap the man's leg and reverse the position by a single turn, Sif suggested screaming and kicking to keep the perpetrator from coming closer.

"I would like to apologize as well, Kelsey," Sif offered, her eyes slanted to the ground. No doubt, the wheels in her head were spinning, conjuring up a possible explanation. "I don't understand how I could have fallen asleep on duty. That has never happened before."

"It seems we all are having a tough week," Volstagg declared, patting the goddess's shoulder sympathetically. "First, the giants broke Asgard's barrier right under your brother's nose - not once, but twice."

"Don't even shed light on the subject," Sif commanded. No doubt, the gatekeeper was listening to the conversation in dread. He would've if he could step out of his post for one minute to defend himself. Keeping Asgard safe was crucial for a difficult time such as this. "Heimdall swore that none had passed him. He still couldn't figure out how they managed to perform such a feat - undetected." Sif sighed sadly after Hogun asked if she was alright. She reluctantly explained, "There is talk of him stepping down as Asgard's gatekeeper until the mystery is solved."

"Odin cannot be serious?!" Fandral exasperated. "Heimdall has nothing to do with this. He is not a traitor."

"You heard what Laufey said. Someone here is aiding the giants. Of course, it is obvious we know who!"

Kelsey knew who Sif was referring to, "How do you know it's him, Sif?" All eyes were on her. The girl should've kept her mouth shut but couldn't help but ask out of curiosity. "How do you know?"

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