Chapter 5: This is One Hel of a Night

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Chapter 5: This is One Hel of a Night

"Stay still, please," Eir instructed Fandral, pouring some clear sparkling liquid onto the wound. Fandral cringed his teeth, enduring the stinging sensation in his chest.

Volstagg walked behind the healing table, offering his hand for Fandral to squeeze. Meanwhile, Hogan and Sif watched and flinched from Fandral's grunts of agony. When the worst had passed, the injured warrior took deep, relieving breaths as another healer wrapped a bandage around his shoulder.

"Here you are," Eir finished with a strained smile. "That should heal by morning."

"Excellent," Fandral panted for breath, offering a thumbs up with his good arm. 

"Glad to be some assistance, my friend," Volstagg shook off his achy hand as he returned to Sif and Hogan.

"Well then..." Fandral struggled to sit up from the table, "I suppose I should go on my merry way. I have made plans with the barmaids at the tavern after hours. I shan't keep them waiting any longer than they have to."

"Oh, how shall they survive without your company?" Hogun asked sarcastically.

"Well," Fandral's face slackened, recalling one essential detail, "Thor was supposed to attend the festivities. One for me and one for him." From all the trouble they caused today, Thor shall undoubtedly hear about it from Odin all night, meaning no celebrations tonight... for him at least. Unlike Sif, Fandral's concern didn't last long, shrugging his good shoulder in dismissal, "Oh well, guess the pair have to share their time with me. What a pity."

Just as he was about to exit the room, Eir gently pushed him back on the table, "Not so fast, Fandral. I need to keep you for a while longer."

Sif furrowed her brows in confusion, "But Eir, you said he shall be fine, did you not?"

"Indeed, I did," the healer nodded in agreement. "There is no need to fret, Lady Sif. We are just taking precautions." Eir glared at Fandral with a scolding, motherly look, "Sir Fandral is lucky that the ice didn't pierce his heart."

"What can I say... I was born lucky," Fandral grinned, winking at a nurse standing by his table, who couldn't help but blush and shyly tuck a loose curl behind her ear.

Resting after another long day of healing wasn't an option. The doors pushed open with a bang and a man calling for Eir's assistance. Everyone in the room was startled as they watched the younger prince carrying a maiden.

"Your Highness," Eir rushed to an available table next to Fandral, "what has-"

"She needs help!" Loki laid the unconscious girl there before stepping back to give the heales space to work.

"What happened?" Eir examined the patient and immediately noticed the blood draining from her skull, staining her cheek and hair trickling down to her neck.

"I think she hit her head on the stairwell. She hasn't stopped bleeding!" Loki frantically explained. Unbeknownst to him, his hands couldn't stop trembling.

"Loki, who is that girl?" Hogun questioned him. The prince ignored Hogun, focusing on the new situation before him. Eir opened the teenager's eyelids to shine a light on her pupils.

"Is she going to be alright?" the prince asked Eir.

Instead of answering him, Eir assigned tasks for her assistants; they obliged in haste. Fandral sat upright to see the girl himself, but one of the healers blocked his view by sliding a curtain between them.

"Eir, I asked you a question," Loki pressed.

"Loki, how do you know her? What happened to Thor?!" Sif grasped Loki's shoulder, demanding attention and knowledge. Thor was missing, and that terrified the goddess of war.

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