Chapter 7: So Many Impossibilities

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Chapter 7: So Many Impossibilities

No matter how much she pinched herself, Kelsey knew she wasn't in familiarity anymore. The question remained whether or not the medication was responsible for the hallucinations. The thought of being severely lost in mind brought the teen to tears. She hugged the knees against her chest and sobbed on her sleeve.

"Aww, the poor child," Frigga petted the girl's head to soothe her. Eventually, Kelsey embraced the comfort, leaning her head towards the queen's frame. "There. There. It's alright, young one. You are safe."

Kelsey wiped her runny nose, accepting a handkerchief from the queen to dab the tears away, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." This was so embarrassing - crying in front of strangers.

"Do not fret, child. You have been through a tough ordeal. Fortunately, the worst is over." This woman was indeed an angel, and she was the teen's doctor. They all tried to be friendly, especially that deluded patient earlier. Nonetheless, Kelsey couldn't rest without knowing the whole truth.

"So, what exactly happened last night?"

"You had suffered a head injury, miss," the other nurse - Eir - replied. "You hit your head when arriving in our realm, losing a lot of blood." Kelsey widened her eyes as her breath hitched at the last word, touching her head for the stitches she didn't feel.

"My dear child," Frigga tried to soothe her with a calm, motherly voice. "You must tell us what happened to you."

"I... I - um... I..." Kelsey had trouble articulating a sentence. Her head was throbbing from thinking too hard. "I'm sorry, I don't - I can't..."

Eir hushed her, "It's alright, Child. It's alright that you do not remember. Memory loss is temporary for some patients. Hopefully, your memory from that night will return in due time."

"Do you know what happened to me?" Kelsey realized that she'd just asked a stupid question. If they did know, the woman dressed in gold and jewels wouldn't have asked her that same question.

The queen shook her head, "No, I am afraid we do not. Right now, we are thankful to spare your mortal self from death."

Mortal? Kelsey questioned the older woman's words. This wasn't comforting. These doctors were nice, but the girl required familiarity to calm down. "I need to see my aunt. Is she on her way here?" The women sadly glanced at each other, which wasn't a good sign.

"Surely, you called her. You guys have my contact information, don't you? We are in a hospital, right?" Again the silence didn't steady the girl's breathing and heartbeat. Frigga's hand warmed the girl's cold one, caressing the back in circles with her thumb.

"My dear child, I know this is hard for you to believe this, but we are not in a Midgaurdian hospital."


"You are in Asgard - home of the Norse gods and protector of the Nine Realms."

Kelsey blinked and furrowed her brows, having trouble processing the words carefully, "I'm - I'm sorry? What did you say?" The woman repeated herself. Despite the crystal clear words, Kelsey asked her again, "One more time." Anyone, including herself, would be agitated by that request. Fortunately, the woman was patient and understanding, without a single stitch of irritation in her voice to prove otherwise. Kelsey shook her head, still refusing to believe she was in a mythical land. How much medication did they give her, and how severe were the side effects? She observed the scenery around her, only to double-take the view outside the balcony. She drew in a short breath, and her eyes burned at the most beautiful sight.

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