Chapter 25: The Phone Call

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Chapter 25: The Phone Call

"Yeah..." she trailed off, still uneasy talking with strangers. Kelsey kicked herself for revealing her identity right away.

"Kelsey?!" The man laughed heartedly on the other line, though his volume forced Kelsey to withdraw the phone from her ear. "Oh, I am so happy you contacted Midgard!"

Midgard? Kelsey widened her eyes, realizing who she was talking to, "Thor?"

The man laughed again, his pitch unchanged, "You are indeed a clever girl, Lady Kelsey, just like your aunt. Tell me. How did you come to that conclusion?"

Kelsey's nerves were gone with the wind, "Well, everyone on my planet doesn't refer to our world as Midgard. I heard Jane's message. Is she there?"

"Yes, she is up on the roof with your brother, aiding him with schoolwork."

Kelsey raised a questionable brow at Thor's words, "Really?" When did Jane ever take time for AJ's education?

"How is everyone in Asgard?" Thor asked before Kelsey could request a picture to believe the scenario.

"They're fine... well, sort of. We're still adjusting to the recent changes here. With you gone and Odin..." Kelsey paused to find the proper term to describe the all-father's current condition, "well, resting peacefully." Thor hummed in acknowledgment, trying to keep his emotions in check. "Loki is king now, and he issued a curfew for everyone's safety."

"And he is right to do so."

"Everyone misses you, even Sif. She talks about you," the girl rolled her eyes, withholding an additional set of words from escaping. A lot.

"Sif talks about me?" he teased. Kelsey couldn't see Thor, but she could imagine the boastful look on his face.

"All the time," Kelsey added honestly. "She hates that Loki is now king and not you."

"My brother is capable and most qualified for the throne. I have faith that he shall be a better ruler than I. She must give him a chance."

Kelsey smiled at Thor's surprisingly humble attitude. "Yeah, well, tell that to Sif." Perhaps his banishment had changed Thor for the better, just as Kelsey's vacation had changed her. For better or worse? Kelsey wasn't sure.

"I heard my friends have appeared in Midgard to retrieve a cake?"

Kelsey nodded, "Yeah, a cheesecake for my birthday. They threw a party for me and everything."

"Ah, if only I were there," Thor sighed in dismay. "All I could do is wish you good fortune and a happy birthday."

"Thank you," her voice pitched sweetly.

"Thor, who are you talking to?" a woman asked in the background.

Kelsey's eyes brightened as she recognized the direct voice of her aunt. Before she could ask Thor to put Jane on the phone, Thor urged the woman to approach him.

"Why? What's wrong?!" Jane assumed.

"What's wrong?" Thor laughed. "Nothing is wrong, Jane! Far from wrong! Everything is going right!"


"Jane! Jane! I'm here! It's me!" Kelsey called out to her aunt.


Jane nearly tripped mid-step as she froze, staring at the phone in disbelief. She didn't expect to climb down the ladder and witness Thor conversing with somebody through her cell phone - let alone having a conversation with her niece. Was it her? If that was Kelsey, why didn't Thor call her down sooner?

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