Chapter 24: Take Me to the King

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Chapter 24: Take Me to the King

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." 

~ Psalms 46:10

Kelsey followed her constitutional rights by remaining silent throughout the walk to the palace. Throwing up her brunch did ease the somersaults in her stomach, yet the guilt didn't settle at the servants' possible reaction to thoroughly cleaning out the pond. Or perhaps Skurge was telling the truth that the water was already contaminated. Instead of cleaning it, they allowed the waterfall to mix it all. Kelsey made a mental note to never crawl through that exit again. 

If she decided to go back.

If Loki showed his friend mercy by dropping the ridiculous charges against her.

Were they still friends?

Kelsey was scared to death, and the suspense of the outcome was killing her.  The second the king grants her to speak, no doubt, she would stutter and say the wrong thing, annoying him even more, which would either way earn her a prison sentence or the death penalty.

The axe triggered racing thoughts and somersaults in her stomach. She hunched her back and coughed, ready to throw up again.

"Oy!" Tyr yanked her upright by the collar of her robes. "Pull yourself together, traitor! Enjoy your dignity while you still have it."

Kelsey didn't throw up, but the nausea didn't go away as they entered through the double doors and reached the stairs. There he was. Loki looked the same as the last time she had seen him, almost as if he hadn't left that chair. That massive, stupid chair.

Now Kelsey's biggest fear wasn't the death penalty anymore, while it still lingered in the back of her mind, but the humiliating thought of throwing up in Loki's presence. She silently prayed for mercy, forgiveness, and the courage to say the right things and not puke it out. Most importantly, she must be firm in her belief and her faith in God that He is the Almighty Creator and sent His only Son - Jesus - to be her Lord and Savior. He is the King of Kings.

Esther Chapter 5 - 

'On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king's hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance.'

As her favorite Bible story crossed Kelsey's mind, she knew that God was with her, and He would never leave her side, just as He hadn't forsaken Esther, the Queen of Persia and heroine who saved the Jews from the wicked Haman. 

'Be still and know He is God.'

Kelsey forced herself to lift her head and make eye contact, trying to ignore the piercing anxiety in her chest.

'You are not alone.'

High on his throne, Loki's back straightened and eyebrows furrowed. There she was on the top step in chains while Tyr was trailing behind, holding her like a dog on a leash. That was a sight Loki never expected to see—not the one who dwelled and apologized for speaking ill against the king that had yet been expelled from her tongue. This wasn't right.

As the pair approached the stairs to the throne and kneeled. One willingly did. Tyr roughly shoved Kelsey forward to fall on her hands and knees—another sight that wasn't right, not to Loki, who usually took pleasure from superiority.

The king commanded them to rise and explain themselves, "What is the meaning of this?"

There was an awkward moment of silence.

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