Chapter 6: Morning After the Storm

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Chapter 6: Morning After the Storm

On the warm morning of June first, a red truck sped through the desert trail but slowed down when spotting a crater outside the road. The driver had been traveling this trail for a long time and had never encountered this before.

Curiosity took hold as the man exited the vehicle and slid into the crater to investigate. He found something stuck in the center of a sandy rock, suspecting it as a hammer. Little did he know if he proved himself worthy, the tool would no longer be ordinary.

The driver attempted to pull it by the handle, using both hands and pushing his boot against the rock; it didn't work. No matter how hard he tried, the hammer refused to budge. The man panted for breath and put his hands on his hips, staring at the Mjolner in wonder.


Rainbow colors flashed before Kelsey's eyes. She could hear swooshing noises and screams, which came from her. She squeezed her lids and endured the motion sickness from the spinning - this was like a roller coaster ride to hell. The landing was far more brutal. Numbness overcame her; she didn't have the strength to move a muscle, not even to blink her eyelids. Kelsey felt like she was underwater without a snorkel required. Nothing was concise as to what she was hearing.

"Open your eyes!"

The words were muffled - almost an echo. Someone was calling out to her - a paramedic, maybe. Obedience became regrettable, for a light painfully blinded her eyes. Was she in the hospital or Heaven? Kelsey avoided the light and shifted towards the moving colors of green, gold, and black - a faceless person.

Was Jesus standing in front of her, trying to tell her something? Why wasn't she moving? The servant needed to show respect if this was the King of Kings himself. Why didn't she have the strength? Was this real or a dream? She couldn't know for sure. Someone called her, begging her to stay in the light with him. The fight to stay awake exhausted her further. She was losing, too tired to do anything, falling back into what could be an eternal slumber.

She remembered the last words said to her - a gentle whisper.

"You are safe here... You have my word."

Kelsey's heart fastened as she exhaled, slowly regaining consciousness from her intense dream.

The first thing she felt was a pounding sensation in the brain as if it was demanding a way out of her skull. Finally able to move, Kelsey lifted her hand, touching a thin silk cover. This wasn't her bedsheet, and Kelsey realized she wasn't sleeping on a springy mattress anymore but on a very uncomfortable metal table. No doubt, her back would be sore from it. She didn't hear or feel Darcy's warm presence next to her.

Kelsey opened her eyes, and once again, she regretted it. She winced and shielded the sun's rays with her blanket. The RV had blinds to cover the windows; the sun shouldn't be shining through so excessively. That's when Kelsey knew that she wasn't sleeping in familiarity.

Her first instinct was to do one thing.

Freak out.

"What the fu-" Kelsey slid off the table to stand, yet her legs collapsed, kneeling on the marble floor. Her heart beat loudly, hearing the blood pulsing against her ears. Her breath quickened, hyperventilating.

Kelsey knew something had happened to her but couldn't remember what. She knew this place wasn't a hospital, for she would've had an IV stuck in her arm (she'd known because the teen had her tonsils removed ten years ago) or felt the breeze on her backside. Her soul couldn't be in the palace of paradise. Heaven was where you no longer had to suffer - no pain, sorrow, or shame. Nausea and dizzy spells kicked in once she was up on her feet. She kneeled and rested her elbows on the table, squeezing her eyes shut and pressing her tongue against the roof of her mouth to hold back the vomit.

When Storms Come and Stars Collide ~ Book I ~ Thor FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora