Chapter 2: Broken Peace Treaties

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Chapter 2: Broken Peace Treaties

In the throne room, the entire kingdom of Asgard was waiting for their future king to arrive. Odin was sitting on his throne with his staff in hand. Down the steps from the throne to his right: his queen, his younger son, and the goddess of war named Sif. To his left stood the Warriors Three - Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg.

After all the years of waiting, the double doors finally opened. Thor entered the throne room, wearing his winged helmet and wielding his hammer. He took a deep breath, scanning his audience and attire to ensure he was properly dressed for the occasion. The entire kingdom was watching his every move. Thor refused to express fear in front of his people, so he attempted to mask those nerves with a confident, almost cocky attitude. He raised his hammer, cueing the crowd to cheer for him. Feeling the need to show off, Thor flipped his hammer and caught it easily as he walked down the aisle.

His boastful actions earned an eye roll from his lady friend.

"Oh, please," Sif mumbled.

Thor stopped in front of the steps to the throne and kneeled before his father and king. He winked at his mother, Frigga, who widened her eyes, unsure what to think about that gesture. Then, Thor turned to the other side, offering the Warriors Three a small smile. His warrior friends returned the grin while Volstagg gave him the thumbs up.

Odin stood from the chair and banged his staff, silencing the crowd. His glistening eyes rested upon his eldest, beginning his speech, "Thor... Odinson... My heir. My firstborn. So long and trusted with the mighty hammer, Mjolnir, forged in the heart of a dying star. Its power has no equal as a weapon to destroy or a tool to build. It's a fit companion for a king. I defended Asgard at the lives of the innocent across the nine realms..."


Meanwhile, below the golden castle, guards performed their daily duty inside the Weapons Vault. They walked down the long hallway towards the Casket of Winters. They didn't realize something was lurking behind one of the weapon artifacts; its powers slowly frosted the pillar without notice.


"Do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?" Odin asked.

"I swear," Thor answered.

"Do you swear to preserve the peace?"

"I swear," Thor repeated, raising his voice.

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and pledge yourself only to the good of all the Realms?"

"I swear!" Thor cried proudly, lifting his hammer.

"Then, on this day, I, Odin All-Father, proclaim you..." Odin paused. Thor and everyone in the room tensed, expecting him to finish. Instead, Odin looked to the sky, feeling the cool air against his cheek.

"Frost Giants..." the king whispered.

Everyone in the hall whispered amongst themselves except for the royal party. All weren't sure if they had heard him correctly. Odin banged his scepter on the floor, activating a trap for the intruders.


Three Frost giants attacked the two guards in the now frost-coated Weapons Vault. They all stood before the weapon, about to steal the Casket of Winters.

However, Odin summoned a secret weapon of his own. The iron gate in the Weapon's Vault disappeared magically. One giant holding the Casket of Winters turned around after hearing footsteps clanging on the tiled floor. A metal beast emerged from its prison and fired an energy blast before the intruder could activate the casket, eliminating every monster in the weapon's vault.

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