Chapter 8: Crazy or Con

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Chapter 8: Crazy or Con

Kelsey felt the urge to puke again as she tried to embrace the view. She ran into the bathroom and did just that. She massaged her scalp as her elbows rested uncomfortably on the bucket, her face hovering over it. Once nausea had passed, Kelsey pulled herself back on her feet, only to find herself face to face with her reflection.

She frowned, disapproving of the way she looked at the moment. Her hair was frizzy; her bangs were sticking against her sweaty forehead. The one-inch scar lined her temple. She looked like Harry Potter, except the shape wasn't wicked lightning. Fortunately, the girl could hide the evidence with her thick waves, and if she were lucky, the scar would fade.

Kelsey exited the bathroom and gasped with fright, noticing a young woman in the room waiting for her.

"I'm so sorry," the girl apologized hastily, "I didn't mean to frighten you."

"No," Kelsey paused to catch her breath, noticing the lady holding a tray and clean robes. She must be the maid Frigga had sent. "No, you're fine," she assured, forcing a grin. "I just didn't hear the door open, that's all."

"Forgive me, My Lady. I should've knocked louder." Taking in the goddess's appearance, the blonde had extensive curls behind her pink dress and looked older than Kelsey, probably five to ten years. Although their life spans differed, the goddess could be a hundred years old but still had the Barbie doll youth. They both could look glamorous in anything, especially in rags. Kelsey wished to have an hourglass body like Jillian Michaels and regretted her shoulder-length haircut.

Kelsey dismissed her apology with a wave, "No. No. It's fine. It's not like I'm naked or anything." She giggled at her own joke. The maid hummed and twitched the lip corner in acknowledgment, but amusement didn't reach her averted eyes to the floor. Sadly, the crickets didn't find Kelsey amusing, forcing the teen to clear her throat and change the subject. They both had their own awkward moment, so it was time to push the reset button and begin again with proper introductions.

Kelsey stepped closer and extended an arm in the maid's direction, "I'm Kelsey."

The girl stared at Kelsey's hand questionably. As Kelsey was about to question the delay, she noticed the maid's hands were full - no wonder. Kelsey lowered her arm and meekly apologized for her own stupidity.

"I am Nanna, my lady," The girl curtsied before her as if Kelsey was royalty.

Kelsey bit her tongue from laughing. The young girl's name was Nanna, a term used for her distant grandmother and the character dog from a storybook. Another reason was the royal arrangement. Nobody had ever bowed to her nor addressed her in a formal fashion before. As awkward as she was about being on the receiving end of high class, a part of her was intrigued.

Kelsey missed the early years when she had the excuse to use her imagination: dress up in glittery ballgowns, host tea parties for her stuffed animals, dancing in her room with an imaginary prince. Naivete used to be her common sense; those were the good days. She didn't think about the cruelty in her messed-up world. The grown-ups in her life had kept her in the delusional dream for the time being until life had taken the helm.

"I'm here to bring you food and clean clothes, my lady," Nanna gestured to the tray.

Kelsey nodded, "Right. Thank you." Nanna placed the tray on the footstool, then laid Kelsey's new clothes on the chaise.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, ma'am?"

"Um..." Kelsey considered the room, every necessity in place with one exception, "Is - um... is there a shower I can use?"

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