Chapter 3: There's a Storm Coming

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Chapter 3: There's a Storm Coming

Instead of feeling the heated sun on the warrior's faces and hearing the people, Jotunheim contained blistering winds and rocky, snow-covered mountains. There were no traces of footprints nor growls to determine whether or not the giants had become extinct - that the Destroyer had finished the last of its kind once and for all. As far as the Asgardians were concerned, they were probably lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike where the gods stood.

"We shouldn't be here," Hogun broke the silence.

"Let's move," the leader ordered—he and his team crossed the icy bridge.

As they were walking, a large chunk of rock fell from the mountain and crumbled to the ground. The team mentally prepared for the Frost Giants to attack but couldn't find one anywhere. They eventually made it to the rocky palace of Jotunheim, but still no sign of these monsters and their king.

"Where are they?" Sif questioned.

"Hiding," Thor replied disgustingly, "as cowards always do."

They halted when they arrived at the palace and waited. Some were more anxious than others.

"You've come a long way to die, Asgardians." Finally, they heard a presence echoing in the shadows.

"I am Thor Odinson!" Thor introduced himself.

"We know who you are."

"How did your people get into our realm?" the prince demanded, spitting the frosted kind with such hatred.

"The House of Odin is full of traitors."

"Do not dishonor my father's name with your lies!" Thor lifted his hammer, preparing to fight out of spite.

The owner of the voice appeared in a towering stance over the Asgardians. Ten feet tall and with a frozen barrier to his advantage, his skin matched the murky, crystal walls. His eyes blinked bloody red. The only thing that cast him differently and above all the others was not by physicality but by his title. He was Laufey, King of Jotunheim.

"Your father is a murderer and a thief!" Laufey yelled at Thor. "And why have you come here? To make peace?!" he asked mockingly. This prince believed himself brave, but he was foolish to cross the enemy's line. No matter. Laufey shall teach Odin's son a lesson - whether it was the easy way or the hard way. He didn't mind the latter if the boy persisted.

Laufey continued ranting, "You long for battle. You crave it! You're nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man." His army stepped out of hiding, surrounding the Asgardians. One. Two. A dozen. Many more either came from the mountains or the palace walls. Their arms morphed into blades.

"This boy has grown tired of your mockery," Thor seethed. His followers looked around, feeling the shiver creeping up their spines and into their minds—all with the same message. Six gods against a Goliath army wasn't a fair game; it was suicide. With that in mind, Loki approached his brother as the voice of reason.

"Thor, stop and think," Loki hissed in his ear. "Look around you. We're outnumbered."

"Know your place, Brother," Thor snapped.

"You know not what your actions would unleash," Laufey warned. "I do. Go now while I still allow it." One of his guards approached the princes with an angry look in his eyes. Laufey's giant army remained still, growling while aiming their blades directly at the mighty six, waiting for the official order from their king to attack.

"We will accept..." Loki bowed his head to Laufey, "... your most gracious offer." Thor glared at his cowardly brother in disbelief that he was backing down now. "Come on, brother," Loki tugged Thor's arm, begging him to follow.

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