Chapter 12: Go Fish

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Chapter 12: Go Fish

"You know you have been awfully quiet," Loki spoke up, unable to stand her silence as they walked across the hallway. "Is something on your mind?"

"Yeah," Kelsey replied, observing her surroundings instead of him. "I'm trying to familiarize this castle as much as I can. With so many rooms and hallways, I probably won't remember the directions back to my room."

"I understand this is all new to you, and you feel a bit..."

"Out of place," she offered.

"Yes," Loki reluctantly agreed, "but as I said, it will come in time. I promise."

"So..." Kelsey paused to think of an interesting subject to discuss, "What is it you do here in Asgard?"

Loki chuckled at that question, "My duties are not exactly entertaining."

"Like what? Smile and wave like every other Prince Charming in storybooks?" she teased.

"If you must know, smiling and waving is not as easy as it looks."


"Try it for an entire day and see how exhausting it can be. The probability of not waking up with sore cheeks or a permanent grin on your face is a hundred to one." Kelsey could easily picture Loki with Jack Nicholson's Joker makeup. He wasn't wrong.

"I believe that."

"Especially when you are greeting those who haven't won your favor, and deep down, the feeling is mutual, yet you must pretend for the good of Asgard."

"Right," Kelsey nodded. It didn't sound different from her family get-togethers for holidays or birthdays. The food was the best part of those awkward three hours.

"Yes, well, not only do I attend these mandatory special events, I must set an example for the people and ensure the safety of all nine realms." It may not sound much, but by doing it, people would soon realize the stress. Kelsey would probably complain and make excuses not to perform those duties: 'I don't want to die,' 'I don't like to wear corsets and dresses,' or 'I just don't feel like it.'

"What do you like to do in your free time?" Loki opened his mouth to respond, only for Kelsey to cut him off. "Your father says that you hang out in the library a lot. Do you like to read?"

"Of course, although, there are other..." Loki smiled slyly, "hobbies I rather enjoy doing."

"Like what?"

His eyes fell on three men coming their way. Loki led Kelsey behind a column out of plain sight.

"Loki, what are you do-"

"Shh," Loki hushed Kelsey like a snake's hiss. She watched and listened to three men talk about their practice with Sif. Kelsey realized that they were the... What were they again? Her pounding head was keeping her from thinking. She looked closer at the man with a Garoldo mustache and immediately remembered meeting him in the medical wing... Or was it called the infirmary room? Kelsey quickly dismissed that stupid question. It didn't matter what it was called; those terms had the same meaning.

Her so-called angel from heaven faced the mirror, running his fingers through his blonde hair and curling his mustache upwards. Kelsey snickered and shook her head. This guy was too obsessed with his looks. No one could have a thicker mustache like Garoldo.

"Watch this," Loki whispered to her, sticking his hand out and aiming it right at a mirror, Fandral was facing. Kelsey watched the scene intently, unsure what she was supposed to look at, until...

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