Chapter 10: Heed My Warning

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Chapter 10: Heed My Warning

Thor woke up with a groan and fluttered his eyes open, hoping to see his golden ceiling. To his disappointment, it was basic white, amateur paint strokes overlapping the crack between the ceiling and the wall. The prince slowly recalled the events before Darcy wielded her Midguardian weapon again. He remembered lifting a puny man with dark eyewear over his eyes, gripping him tightly by his collar shirt, ready to strike him. What stopped him was the familiar spark down his spine, paralyzing his limbs and knocking him unconscious.

His thoughts were interrupted by voices. He turned his head to the side and winced at the sunlight blinding his eyes, which he shielded with his forearm.

"Oh good, you're awake!" a childish voice cried joyfully. Thor uncovered his face to see his mini-self sitting criss-cross and facing what looked like a magic box. "For a split second, I thought I hurt you really bad, but Darcy said you would wake up fine and dandy."

"What is that?" Thor questioned curiously, pointing at the screen showing images of an animated man dressed as a bat fighting with some court jester.

"Huh?" AJ followed Thor's direct line, then realized what he meant, "Oh, that's Batman. My favorite show."

"The magic box is a Batman?" Thor pinched his brows at the ludicrous name. He watched the clown squirting acid from his posy, damaging the bat's cape. Thor blinked and parted his mouth at the devilish sorcery. It didn't take long for him to differentiate between the opposing teams. He almost felt guilty for initially believing that the dark knight was the villain. "Where does this take place?" he demanded, bolting up on his feet. "That man requires assistance."

"What?" AJ was astonished that the man didn't understand the entertaining concept of this visual invention. "No. No. No. No, that's a TV. We're watching a show called Batman. A show. This isn't like The Dark Knight movie. This is a cartoon created by talented drawers. It's not happening now... Don't tell me you've never seen a TV before?!"

Thor's face softened in consideration, "I do not have one in my realm."

"You don't have a TV?!"

Thor shook his head.

"Wow, you are missing out!" AJ yanked Thor's arm back, setting him back on the couch, earning a surprise 'oof' in response. "Lucky for you, I know how to fix that," the boy increased the volume. The blondes watched Batman defeat the laughing lunatic and then escort him to an official. Speaking of which, Thor needed to speak with Jane about the trespassers earlier. Their barbaric actions reminded him of the frost giants, how they sneaked into the vault under the Gatekeeper's nose and attempted to steal what was not theirs. However, these people stole Jane's belongings right in front of her. Thor's muscles tensed while his fists clenched in rage at that thought. These Midguardians in black must pay.

"My friend," he addressed his mini-self, rising from the cushion, "as much as I love to stay and watch this magic box with you, I must speak with Lady Jane at once."

"She's up there," AJ pointed at the ceiling, "on the rooftop. Uncle Erik, and Darcy, and Garrett are with her."

Thor bowed his head, "Thank you, Andrew Jackson."

AJ frowned, "Don't call me that. I'm just AJ."

"AJ," Thor tested the name, then nodded after consideration. "I shall try to remember that, my friend." The boy smiled in satisfaction, returning his attention to the cartoon.

Thor found a ladder leading up to a small trap door to the roof. He lifted it open and climbed up to see all four adults sitting outside with their backs facing Thor, their legs hanging off the edge.

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