Chapter 14: A Friend is Fine, Indeed

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Chapter 14: A Friend is Fine, Indeed

Before Erik left the lab, he forced Garrett and Darcy to do some cleaning as a punishment for backstabbing Erik and losing AJ. Garrett was on his knees, scrubbing floors without a mob. Darcy was supposed to dust and wash the dishes without the machine; only she cheated by putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Garrett perked from the counter when he heard the machine running.

"Hey! He said we couldn't use the dishwasher!"

"So?" Darcy shrugged. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

"But I'm working my ass off here, and I'm not using a mop!"

"What's stopping you from using one?" she challenged. "It sure spares your knees from the abuse."

"But Erik said-"

"Oh, come on, Brad!" Darcy stomped to the closet and pulled out a Swiffer mop, offering it to him, "Here. Either take the stupid mop," only for her to drop it on the floor. Garrett was unfazed by the dramatics. "or don't. Your choice." She passed him to resume her dusting duty. Garrett stared at the mop, hesitant to pick it up. Darcy was no Eve, but she tempted Garrett like Eve tempted Adam with the forbidden fruit.

"The professor is out, and there are no cameras around to catch us," Darcy clarified, sweetening the deal. "You and I both know we're not gonna go old fashion with this. So why don't you drop the boy scout act, alright?"

"I ain't no boy scout."

"Then prove it. Pick up the mop."

Garrett sighed in defeat, sealing the deal, much to his dismay. The water on the floor soaked his pants, but that didn't bother him. He refused to look at Darcy's smug expression, though he could hear it through her voice.

"Mm-hm. That's what I thought."

"Why?" he asked.

"Why what?" Darcy was annoyed by Garrett's vague questions.

"Why do you care how I mop the floors?"

Darcy scoffed, "Did you want to get down and dirty on the floor?" she gestured at the water bucket and sponge behind Garrett.

"Ain't the first time doing this," Garrett glanced at the cleaning items Erik insisted on using, then snorted, "but hell no."

"Then, stop asking stupid questions!" Darcy snapped, "Or else this will be the last time I offer some advice!"

"Okay, Lewis," he raised a defensive hand, "Chill. Sorry that I asked." He pressed the button on the Swiffer mop before moving it back and forth. "Sheesh. Is this your time of the month or something?"

"Yes," Darcy bluntly replied, earning disgusted groans and cringes from her companion.

"Damn, girl! T-M-I!" he cried. The woman didn't care. Garrett did ask whether it was rhetorical or not. After mopping, Garrett must handle the laundry. "I don't get why Erik made you do the easy stuff while I gotta mop floors and fold his underwear."

"Maybe it's because you turned off his computer a hundred times," Darcy offered, wiping down the counter.

"Yeah," Garrett snickered. "Jane owes me - big time!"

"And me!" Darcy added.

The front doors flew wide open, causing them to jump in surprise. Garrett immediately tossed the mop back in the closet while Darcy opened the dishwasher. The soapy water flooded onto the kitchen floors.

"Shit!" Darcy cursed, quickly dropping the soapy dishes back in the sink, might have cracked a plate or two.

Erik, Jane, Thor, and AJ walked in and almost slipped on the wet floor.

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