Chapter 22: Bribery and Bravery

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Chapter 22: Bribery and Bravery

"Allfather!" Sif cried as she, Kelsey, and the Warriors Three climbed upstairs to the throne room with their heads bowed and arms across their chests.

"We must speak to you urgently..." Sif trailed off when she looked up and realized in horror who was sitting on the golden throne. It wasn't the white-beard, eyepatch man, but a silver-tongued prince wielding his father's gungir. His horned helmet crowned upon his raven head, reigning supreme. Odin had a horned helmet, but nothing compared to Loki. It's extensive and curved, almost replicating the devil's horns. How could Loki bear such weight on his head?

"Loki?" Kelsey breathed, feeling her heart increase and having a hard time breathing. It was too late to go back outside now.

"My friends," Loki greeted them. Sarcasm and bitterness laced together as he spoke.

"Where's Odin?" Fandral demanded. All five went down the steps, approaching their friend. "What are you doing with his staff?"

"Father has fallen into the Odin-sleep," Loki explained on the brink of tears. "Mother fears he may never awaken again."

Odin-sleep? Kelsey questioned herself. Was it another word for coma? The others didn't seem bothered by it, as if this was normal for them.

"We would speak with her," Sif insisted.

"She has refused to leave my father's bedside," Loki explained. "You can bring your urgent matter to me," he gestured himself before rising from his throne. "Your king."

Sif and the Warriors Three's eyes widened in disbelief as they processed the news. All wanted to dismiss this as a jest, but they couldn't. Loki gazed at Kelsey, who tried to avoid eye contact - anywhere but his face. He would've been offended if she wasn't an exception. She was afraid of him as she should be.

His ears perked at the rattling metal sound, snapping his attention to the source. Volstagg was the first to kneel; then others reluctantly did the same. Loki suppressed the urge to smirk at this newfound, delicious sight. Sif cast the new king a disapproving look before she began her request in forced politeness.

"My king, we ask you to end Thor's banishment," Sif requested, "right now, for the good of Asgard."

A puff of amusement blew out from the king's nose as his thin mouth pressed shut. He stifled the urge to laugh, but his smile was involuntary and lacked compassion. Most would mistake it for sentiment if they didn't know Loki so well.

"My first command cannot undo the Allfather's last. We're on the brink of war with the Jotunheim. Our people need a sense of continuity to feel safe in these difficult times. Thor has started this mess with violence, and I shall finish it with peace. Though I can't do it alone, can I? All of us who remain must stand together..." Loki slimmed his eyes at Sif, spatting back the upcoming words with such hostility and superiority, "for the good of Asgard."

Sif scowled at Loki's response. How could he prevent these invaders from attacking the people and stealing the casket? How many lives would he risk to prove his theory right? Sif stood to protest, but Fandral and Hogun grabbed her arms to keep her from doing something stupid.

"Yes, of course," Fandral whispered with understanding.

"Good, then you shall wait for my word," Loki cast his eyes down at the warriors with such intimidation, almost daring them to speak against his command.

"If I may," Volstagg piped, "beg the indulgence..." he laughed as sweat descended his face, clearly flustered, "of your majesty to perhaps reconsider-"

"We're done," Loki cut him off sternly. His word was final. The Warriors Three were baffled and disappointed that their friend was no more. "Be grateful that you all still hold a place here in the palace, against my better judgment." The warriors bit back their tongues at that remark, refusing to say the meaningless words. "Unfortunately for Heimdall, I am afraid his second chance proved wasteful."

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