Chapter 21: An Eye for An Eye

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Chapter 21: An Eye for An Eye

Jane and Erik hurried to the school after receiving the dreaded phone call from the school, bumping into a father dragging his boy by the collared shirt outside. The boy was holding a bloody icepack on his nose and complaining about pain tolerance.

Erik and Jane couldn't help but double-take as they listened to their conversation.

"Dad, he kicked my ass!" Lenny whined. "Aren't you gonna sue?"

"You expect me to believe you didn't have it coming?" The father growled. "Your mother and I didn't raise you to be a bully, Leonard. When we get home, no more Wrestle Mania for you, young man! It's all going in the trash!"

"Dad!" The child screamed but quickly quietened after his father threatened to spank him on the spot. Most people expect parents to defend their children despite the evidence against them. Seeing a father holding his son accountable for his actions was nice. His words affected Jane mainly. It didn't take long for her to piece everything together. Her nephew got into a fight with a bully.

"Can I at least play one more round?"

"No!" the lawyer looked over his shoulder to see the two visitors staring. Erik couldn't help but wave at him in greeting. The father briefly returned the gesture but speed-walked towards the exit, dragging his son alongside him.

The professor and the astrophysicist dreaded the office door, knowing who was in the room. The blinds couldn't wholly conceal Thor and AJ's backs through the glass window.

Erik sighed, "Oh, boy."

"Tell me about it," Jane rolled her eyes, about to knock, only for the door to open, revealing the principal.

"Miss Foster?" the principal assumed.

"Miss Tourminet," Jane shook the woman's hand, grinning sheepishly. "Hi, we got here as fast as we could - um - this is Erik Selvig," she introduced over her shoulder. "He's a friend and colleague of mine."

"How do you do?" Erik greeted politely, shaking Tourminet's hand as well.

"Pleasure," she dully stated. "I am sorry we have to meet under these circumstances."

"I understand that the police had to be involved?" Jane asked with unease.

"That was a different misunderstanding which your boy didn't mind clearing up for us," Principal Tourminet gestured for Jane and Erik to enter her office and face the guilty duo.

"Hi, Jane," AJ greeted as he and Thor waved sheepishly.

Jane gasped at the discoloration on AJ's jaw. She quickly kneeled to his side and examined the bruise. "Oh, my God! AJ, what the he-" Erik cut her off with a shush, reminding Jane where they were. The principal looked unhappy when the forbidden word nearly slipped from Jane's tongue.

"Sorry," Jane whispered before returning her attention to the boy. "What happened?"

"I got into a fight," AJ explained, "except it wasn't really much of a fight."

"You got into a fight?! Why?!" Jane demanded.

"Who won?" Erik asked, quickly regretting the question. Both blondes were about to say, but the principal silenced the pair.

"Miss Foster," Tourminet began, "early today, your nephew punched another boy repeatedly in the playground while this man..." she pointed at Thor, "...manhandled that same child and threatened to torture him in a wilderness."

Thor cleared his throat awkwardly. The way the woman narrated the tale from her perspective sounded barbaric. Was Thor out of line by saying it? Maybe. Would he actually go through with it if Lenny ignored his warning? Thor couldn't say without incriminating himself.

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