Chapter Eighteen: Trouble in Rosecove City

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Toxel had become close friends with everyone on the team in no time.

Wolfie was glad. They had already gotten quite attached to Toxel in the way a mother would get attached to her child, so she was glad the others immediately accepted it as one of them.

Truly it was a heartwarming sight seeing Toxel and Diggersby have siestas together, and for Toxel to play with Brionne and Haunter.

Luxio also loved Toxel, and Wolfie theorized that it probably thought of Toxel as a little sister which was rather sweet if Wolfie was being honest.

Jake was also good company, and although she would never admit it, it was kinda nice to be with someone who wasn't a Pokémon.

"So Wolfie, I see that Bunnelby evolved." Jake commented

"Yeah, it did"

"And your Toxel is quite adorable."




"It's hard to talk to you."


"Yeah, I mean you don't comment on things much, and considering you're already a quiet person it's just that sparking up a conversation out of you is hard."

"I see."

"Point proven, you rarely talk, and when you do it's not even a sentence! Like I'm not trying to be mean or anything I just think you should try harder in a conversation, y'know?"

Wolfie shrugged

"I really don't care what other people think of me, if I don't talk a lot I don't talk a lot, there's nothing wrong with it."

"I guess that is true, but not everyone is gonna be ok with it like I am. I'm just... looking out for you, y'know? You're my friend, and I don't want people thinking you're weird because you don't talk a lot."

"People think I'm weird anyway." Wolfie pointed out, "it's best to just take it as a compliment."

Jake chuckled, "you really don't give a fuck about what other people think do you."

"I guess you could say that."

"Jeez I need to learn from you, I think about if people like me or not way too much. It was why I was so nervous around you when we first met, you were really cool-looking, and I wanted to look cool to."

"You didn't need to do that though. I had already decided to give you a chance in being my friend. Even if you get on my nerves I don't regret it in the slightest."

"Wow, that was... really deep."

"Was it? Seemed like common sense to me."

Jake chuckled at this before pointing excitedly.

"Look! Look! Wolfie! It's Rosecove City! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!"

And with that Wolfie got dragged over to the entrance of the city with Toxel in her arms, and Brionne following close behind.

Before they could even get to the city part of Rosecove City, they were bared entry by non-other then they annoying little bastards themselves: Team Eclipse.

Well to be specific one member of Team Eclipse not a whole ass army of Team Eclipse members.

"Holt it right there! I'm not allowing anyone past here, you'll just need to turn back here!"

"What! Why!?" Jake demanded

"That is for Team Eclipse to know, and for you to NEVER find out, and if I do my job good enough I might even get a raise or a promotion!"

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