Chapter 5: I Am the Absolute Rule

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It was now the next day, and Regan stood in the Rose Maze alongside Riddle, Trey, and Cater. Many of the Heartslabyul students were present... and so was Headmage Crowley. Just what the hell was going on?!

Regan and Cater had no idea what was going on... until...

Trey told the two clueless teens what exactly was going on. And, of course--

... WHAT?!?!

That was the only thought coursing through Regan's mind at the moment.

"You're saying Ace and Deuce are challenging Riddle for the Housewarden's seat?!" Cater freaked out, more than if one of his posts didn't pop off on the algorithm like it did last week. That meant he was genuinely shocked. "Please tell me you're kidding...!"

"I tried to stop them..." Trey sighed, holding his head in embarrassment. However-- "Well, you should've tried harder!!" Regan slapped his arm, his skin now stinging really bad from how hard her slaps hurt. He rubbed his arm in pain.

"Of all the stupid ideas you could've given them--!" Regan pointed her finger right in his face, while Cater sighed with drooped shoulders from behind her. "I just hope this doesn't make everything worse." "You and me both." Trey replied to the ginger in the midst of being glared-down by Regan.

"We are about to commence two challenges for the Housewarden position at Heartslabyul House." Crowley now announced, and Regan let out a huff and crossed her arms, freeing Trey from her wrath... momentarily. "The first challenger is Ace Trappola. The second challenger is Deuce Spade. The current Housewarden they have challenged is Riddle Rosehearts. Now, in accordance with the duel rules, please remove the magic-sealing collars as they would provide an unfair disadvantage."

With his declaration, Riddle removed the collars and the two boys sighed in relief, especially Ace. "Ah! FINALLY, the dumb collar is off!" "Enjoy your moment of freedom. The collar will be back on soon enough." Riddle madly smirked, anticipating the wretched screams of the two boys who dared challenged him to a duel for his position. "I could hardly believe it when I heard you two intended to duel me. Is this a joke?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Ace pouted, firmly placing his hands on his hips alongside a stern Deuce. "I'd never propose a duel as a joke."

"Hmph. Have it your way." Riddle crossed his arms, "Let us get this over with."

"Uh, Riddle, what do you wanna do about today's afternoon tea?" Cater spoke up to his Housewarden with a friendly smile and a wave. Although he didn't physically sigh, Riddle's face gave off the appeal that he wanted to. "A foolish question. You know that the rules stipulate I take my tea every day at 4pm sharp."

"It's just that it's already past 3:30..." Cater mumbled nervously, holding up his phone to show Riddle the time on his phone surrounded by the wallpaper of a selfie of him with Trey, Regan, and Riddle from the last day of school last year.

"And you fear that I will be late?" Riddle rhetorically asked, as he placed a hand on his hip and turned to the two freshman opposing him. "All the more reason to end this promptly. It appears I have little time to waste. Rather than facing my opponents in succession, I will take on both at once."

"You can do it, Housewarden! Knock 'em dead, sir!" the students cheered for their Housewarden, not wanting to be on his bad side. However, Trey held his head in worry, huffing a sigh under his breath.

"Cowards." Deuce cracked his knuckles, him and Ace bearing stern glares.

"Myah-- I got a bad feelin' about this." Grim squirmed anxiously which ticked off Ace who instantly fired back at the cat, "Hey, at least we got a plan!"

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