Chapter 13: Truth Brought to Light

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The group now stood in Classroom 2-B, the class number belonging to the boy they concluded was the culprit.

"All right, where's Ruggie Bucchi?!" Grim loudly screeched, which caught the curious attention of a boy across the room.

"Right here-- Ah... It's you guys again." Ruggie Bucchi, the so-called 'culprit' now stood before the group with an annoyed scowl on his face. "I really hope this isn't about that deluxe grilled cheese. We traded fair and square."

Riddle and Regan simultaneously crossed their arms, as they glared at their fellow second year alongside one another. "Ruggie Bucchi, we need to ask you some questions about the spate of injuries that have befallen prospective Spelldrive tournament players." Riddle sternly announced, and Ruggie's annoyed scowl twisted into a look of pure anxiety. "Oh ho-- This sounds like some serious business."

"How about we move to the hall and keep this in the figurative DMs, if you catch my drift?" Cater spoke up with a cocky look on his face, which flew completely over Ruggie's head. "I'm cooperating. Let's all try to be gentlemen, now."

Stepping to her side, Regan shot a pointed finger at the doorway. Ruggie eyed her in confusion as he walked past the group and into the hallway, the group right behind him. Shutting the door with a loud SLAM!, Regan stepped up to her fiancé's side, both their arms crossed.

"Very well." Riddle spoke up sternly, eyebrows furrowed. "While we do not yet know exactly what transpired, it is abundantly clear that your signature spell is a dangerous one. I will be casting 'Off With Your Head' to—"

"But Riddle--" A cheeky smile filled Ruggie's rugged lips, "--Are you sure you should be casting such a powerful spell without your magical pen?" "Huh?" Riddle eyed him in confusion, but when he went to take his magic pen out of his coat pocket-- "Wait... What?! What happened to my magical pen?!" Shock filled the red head, his bluish-grey eyes darting over to the hyena whilst filling with pure anger.

"Hey, Cater! Your pen's gone too!" Grim pointed his tiny claws up at Cater's dress coat, the pocket in the front also missing the red-gemstone pen. Cater quickly looked down at his pocket and gasped, "You're kidding me--! How?!"

"Shyeheehee! Children of privilege, every one of you." Ruggie chuckled before shrugging his hands to his sides, "So unprepared. So complacent. Like stealing candy from a baby."

"Myah?! He cast his spell to snatch your pens away without us even noticing?!" Grim freaked out, but this only ended up offending the sneaky Savanaclaw student. "Puh-lease. As if I'd need magic to do that! Anyway, having a showdown in the hallway is not on my agenda for today, so I'll be on my way. Toodles!" 

Just like he had never even been there, Ruggie had already sprinted off with a cheeky grin and giggle. Regan growled as she stepped forward, "H-Hey--! Get back here, you ass!!" and ran after the boy, leaving Riddle, Cater, and the Ramshackle kids behind.

"Curse you! You will halt if you value your head! 'Off With—'" Riddle angrily yelled through the hallway, hand pressed to his chest, but Cater panickingly cut him off. "Whoa, Riddle, stop! Don't be a hero, man!"


"Dude, your flamingo-feeding outfit was insane." Ace evilly smirked over at his bestie Deuce. The two were currently walking through the halls of the school, just having arrived after finishing their duties assigned to them by their Housewarden. "Who knew they made leopard print in hot pink?"

"L-Look, it's not like I had a choice! It's all I had in pink!" Deuce replied with his arms crossed, feeling embarrassed from the orange-head's teasing. Ace snarked a chuckle, "I can't believe we still gotta follow weird rules like that. But I guess it's better than it was--"

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