𝙑𝘼𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙎𝘼'𝙎 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙏𝙎 - He's a Ten, But...

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~This oneshot is canon to the main narrative~

He's a ten, but he...

🌹 Riddle Rosehearts 🌹

is an overthinker

- Riddle Rosehearts has a very organized mind. As a well-maintained man, he knows how to be composed when dealing with anyone; He knows what the right decision to make is, despite how it affects what others think of him.
- Well, except for one person...
- Riddle thinks that anything and everything he can do with his beloved will fuck something up.
- He wants to have intimate relations: "What would Mother think of me if she were to find out?" "Would Regan be overwhelmed? "What if I do something wrong?" "What if I make her uncomfortable?" "What if I touch her in a way that makes her uncomfortable??" "What if she feels underwhelmed by my body?"—
- He wants to ask her how to cook better: "What if she thinks I'm pathetic?" "What if she thinks I'll be a terrible husband because I can't cook?" "What if she gets annoyed because I'm bad at cooking?" "What if gives up on me?" "What if she tells me it's hopeless and I'll never be a good cook and to just let her do it?"—
- She went over to Idia Shroud's dorm to hang out with him instead of spending her time with him in their room: "What if she hates me?" "What if she does not find me entertaining?" "What if she left because she was utterly tired of me?" "What if she leaves me for him?"—
- Those are just three examples out of five hundred.
- Maybe it's because he's self conscious— Okay, it's 100% because he's self conscious but can you blame him?
- With the way this dude was raised, he lives in constant fear of being unable to please the sole person in his life that means the world to him.
- The one person whose opinion about him he does care about.
- Whenever Regan wants to spend some time by herself, he thinks of the million ways he could have fucked up.
- Whenever Regan gets uncomfortable or mad, even if it has nothing to do with him, he thinks of the million ways he could have fucked up.
- Whenever Regan comes home from hangouts, especially hangouts with Idia, he always asks a million questions.
- Whenever they're being intimate, whether it's nothing serious or it's naked time, he's always asking a million questions. Even if they've done this multiple times before.
- She always has to reassure him that she loves him with a gentle smile and a kiss to shut up his rambles.
- Additionally, anytime she's away from him, he can't stop thinking why she's not with him.
- Yes, half of it is because he's a jelly bean. But the other half is because he thinks that she doesn't want to be with him because he did something wrong.
- Main point: dude needs more confidence.

🎮 Idia Shroud 🎮

is an obsessive mf

- Idia has what I like to call: "would-die-without-regan-syndrome"
- This mf craves Regan in his life.
- He worships the ground she walks upon.
- Engaged? Doesn't matter. He'll make her his. He doesn't play by the rules— Do you have any idea how many games he's broken?!?!
- Idia finds multiple/countless ways to get Regan alone with him.
- The main way he does this is by asking her to hang out with him in his room. Because if a certain red-haired tyrant wants his fiancée back, he would never be able to find the Housewarden's room thanks to Ortho.
- Speaking of his little brother, Ortho doesn't really understand that his brother is obsessive. He thinks that his behaviour is completely normal and tries to help his brother in whatever ways he can, no matter how sus it is.
- He's also maybe sorta kinda a stalker.
- Has an entire photo album of pictures of her.
- Some photos are pictures he took himself with Regan's permission/knowledge, some are screenshots of pics from her or others (mainly Cater's) Magicam, some are pictures he took without her knowing...
- He may or may not have a picture of her with just her bra and undies on when he accidentally walked on her changing once.
- He totally would print out a picture of her onto a body pillow cover and cuddle a Regan body pillow at night.
- Poor Ortho thinks this is normal behaviour because he doesn't want to think anything bad about his brother 🥺
- One of the reasons Idia finds himself going to class in person more often is to see Regan. And by more often, I mean like once or twice a week.
- Whenever he's at school, he'll tend to watch her from afar, drool drooping from his blue lips as he snaps pics.
- He already has her most frequented spots memorized.
- Some people notice his weird habits, like Cater who tells Riddle out of concern for his gurl Ray-Ray. This pisses Riddle tf off.
- And thus further ignites the war between the stalker and the fiancé.

🐉 Malleus Draconia 🐉

doesn't have a sense of space/clingy asf/possessive

- Malleus has, like, NO sense of space.
- Like, he isn't even aware he's breaking boundaries (he's glad Vanessa doesn't have any).
- But this becomes a MAJOR problem in public.
- "Boundaries? Do you get uncomfortable by my acts of affection, my love?"
- Then he gets sad. And she needs to give him head pats and kisses.
- Therefore, he never learns his lesson.
- Malleus doesn't understand that there's certain things that he can't just do in public. For example, using her boobs as cushions.
- If her chest is out in the open, covered by clothing or not, he will smush his face into them and make them his new pillow. His horns fit just nicely around her neck ;)
- If her lap is unoccupied, he will lay his head on her thighs and stare up at her.
- Whenever she's lying down, he'll stop whatever he's doing and cuddle her. If he has important work to finish, such as schoolwork, he'll find a way to do it while cuddled up against her. He has multiple times.
- If he hears her approaching the door to the room he's in, he will immediately stand in front of the door and crouch down in front of it so the first thing she sees is his eyes.
- Sometimes, he'll even purposely try and make it so there's not enough seats so he can insist she sit in his lap. And even when there are, he'll still grab her and force her onto his lap.
- Since she's much more fragile as a half-fae, hell more fragile than most humans, he feels as if it's his duty to protect her from harm.
- Lilia thinks Malleus' clinginess is the cutest shit. Has an entire photo album that he named, 'Clingy Future King'.
- He greatly fears a student, whether accidentally or purposefully, will cause harm to her.
- This fear mainly comes from Floyd's 'hugs'.
- But it also comes from Azul, who can be a liiiittle too up, close and personal with his princess.
- But what does this clinginess all spiral from in the first place?
- His possessiveness.

🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 🐙

is one manipulative mf

- Does Vanessa know Azul is manipulative? Yes.
- Does Vanessa understand she is being manipulated? Yes.
- But then again, are you really being manipulated if you're aware of what's really going on? To the Lady: 100% yes... but only when it comes to Azul.
- She honestly loves and hates it equally.
- She can outright admit it's the main reason he got her sign that contract with him.
- Azul has a way with words that makes him able to persuade almost anyone into doing his bidding, contract-related or not.
- Sometimes, he doesn't even realize he's being manipulative.
- It's just in his nature at this point 😐
- One minute he's suggesting an idea, and then the next he's instinctively bargaining.
- Azul knows a way with words. He knows perfectly what to say and what not to say in order to secure his deals.
- And of course, being this way leads him to only being more secretive.
- Unlike the other boys, Azul has a lot of trouble opening up to people, even Vanessa, out of fear of messing up his words. This, of course, comes from his fear of messing up his contracts.
- What if he says something that ruins how Vanessa perceives him?
- Whether that be hate, disgust, anger, fear, or any negative emotion really... it scares him.
- So he feels as if he needs to speak in manipulative tones in order to not scare them off... including those close to him, such as the Lady and the tweels.
- After all, it is the safest bet to securing their loyalty, trust, and/or love for him.
- Like Idia, he has a messed-up way of thinking. So he thinks that his actions are completely justified. That they make total sense.
- After all, what's the harm in a little manipulative talk if it means he can keep those he loves close to him and his enemies closer...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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