Chapter 7: Stubbornness

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"Gah!" Riddle whimpered as his frail body crashed onto the now fresh, green grass.

Regan slid onto the grass, not caring that her kneecaps were now scraped and bruised. She quickly grabbed his forearms and helped him sit up.

"He's back!" Ace cheered, while Cater next to him scoffed a chuckle, "Well, it's about time... We were just about losin' our heads here—figure of speech, sorry—'cause we thought you might never wake up!"

Riddle breathed heavily, taking in multiple deep breaths; He was at a loss for air. "... What in the world happened...?" He managed to get out as his eyes met the scared and concerned amethyst eyes of the one he loved.

"Ah, Mr. Rosehearts appears to have regained consciousness. Excellent." Crowley let out a MASSIVE sigh of relief, eternally grateful that his daughter wouldn't murder him.

Now that he was speaking like himself again and all the blot was gone, Regan jumped onto him in a big hug, arms flinging around his neck as she cried into his neck. As he felt himself subconsciously hug her back, he let out a soft call for her name.


"Don't worry, Riddle. Just try to rest." Trey reassured his good friend, a warm smile on his lips as Regan held him tightly in her arms—

"Yo-- That's just the sort of coddling that led to him going nuts in the first place!" Ace pointed an accusatory finger at Trey, a big ol' pout on his face. "Now the garden is tore up from the floor up, not to mention that we could've died!"

"He's right." Deuce calmly crossed his arms, "It was looking bad for a while there." "For cryin' out loud. When you humans let that stress build up, the results sure ain't pretty." Grim snarked in addition.

The bluish-grey eyes that belonged to the Housewarden looked up from his fiancée's shoulder, peaking up at everybody as he never let go of his love. "The truth is, I... I really wanted to eat the chestnut tart."

Everyone stared at him in absolute shock, and Ace muttered a, "Huh?".

Riddle's grip on Regan's waist tightened, his knuckles almost white from holding the fabric so tightly. "And I don't care if the roses are white, or the flamingos are pink. And I prefer honey to sugar cubes in my tea, and I like milk tea better than lemon tea anyway. And after a meal, I want to be the one sitting around talking with everyone..."

"Riddle...?" Trey and Regan both mumbled in shock, the tall girl disbanding the hug and grabbing his hands in hers as she looked him in the eyes.

His eyes locked with the amethyst gems of his one and only, tears began to well up in his eyes. "And I really wanted to play with you and Trey and Che'nya more, Regan..."

With a few sniffles... Riddle finally broke into tears, sobbing loudly as his forehead gently fell against Regan's.

Cater gaped in shock, " :0 ... Riddle Rosehearts, in tears... Hashtag #WOW."

As tears fell against his and Regan's cheeks, she wiped his face with her thumbs, completely ignoring her wet cheeks. "I'm sorry I pushed and treated you terribly, Regan...!! I love you so much... m-more than anything..."

Regan swore her heart did a million loop-de-loops in that moment, while also breaking into shards at the same time. She hadn't remembered the last time he had cried like this...

Had he ever cried like this in front of her before?

"Hey, it's okay... I love you too, Riddle. More than anything." She lifted his chin with her thumb, before leaning in and placing a small peck on his lips. Yet despite this, Riddle's gloved hands gently cupped her cheeks and brought her back in, attaching his lips to hers permanently. She happily kissed back, the kiss soft and sweet yet passionate.

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