Chapter 10 - Confusion for Mara & Bullet

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Jail was where Fist got his biggest physically because he worked out almost constantly. He was naturally strong because he had always known hard work growing up but he would do sit ups, pushups, running in place and pull ups on the cell bars when he was in his cell and would work with the weights in the exercise yard.

Thinking about jail made Fist think of his last cellmate, Tom, who had been a skinny little guy that had been arrested for breaking into a store to feed his girlfriend and their daughter and to get diapers for his daughter. He only had six months to serve and had been terrified most of the time he was in there.

When they had transferred him to Fist's cell it was because he had gotten jumped in the showers and raped and his cellmate at the time had been the ring leader.

The poor kid had been terrified that Fist was going to do it to him again and had sat in the back corner of his bunk with his hands in shaking fist like Fist was a rabid animal that was going to eat him or something.

"What's your name kid?" Fist had asked him.

"T t t tommm (stammered then cleared his throat) Tom. Tom Josephson." Tom nervously replied. "What's yours?"

"I'm called Fist. Because my hands are so big." Fist replied and showed him his fist. "I grew up on a farm and had to work hard from a young age and it made my hands big. What landed you in here, Tom?"

"Got caught stealing food and diapers for my kid and my girlfriend. We tried to get food stamps but because we are homeless and don't have a mailing address, they wouldn't give them to us. We tried to stay in the shelter but they won't let couples stay together. I had to stay in the men's area and Ruthie and my baby girl, Tessa, had to stay in with the women with children. Ruthie got attacked the first night by some woman wanting her blanket. Ruthie said she was crazy.

The next morning we left. We went to a local church but all they did was pray with us and then tried to convince us to give up Tessa for adoption. We ran like the place was on fire. We finally found an abandoned house and that's where we were staying when I got caught. I worked wherever I could find work but again, when you don't have an address, no one will help you and we were afraid to put down the house we were staying in for more than one reason. I've been so worried about Ruthie and Tessa because it's not a good neighborhood." Tom had spilled his guts as he fought back tears.

"How long have you been in here, Tom?" Fist asked.

"Five months. I get out in another 30 days so long as I stay out of trouble. The guard told me they won't count what happened to me against me." Tom said.

"Why would they? You didn't ask for that. They were going to give me an extra month in here for defending myself against some guys that tried that with me when I first got here. It was that or solitary confinement for a week. I took the solitary because it meant I could finally get some sleep. But those guys won't ever try it again with me. In fact there's one of them that may never be able to have children after the blow I delivered to his family jewels." Fist told him with a grin. "Have you heard from your girl since you've been here?"

"Yeah. She comes for visitation day once a month. Tessa is getting so big so fast and I'm missing it. I hate this place." Tom said.

"How about you? How did you end up here?" Tom had asked.

"Someone from a rival MC planted an oz of coke on my bike and then picked a fight with me. Cops showed up and that SOB told them I had been selling in the bar. They found a sandwich size ziploc bag in my saddlebags on my bike with a couple of small packets ready for sale. What the SOB cop didn't think about was keeping the evidence untainted, he grabbed it with his bare hands and smudged most of the fingerprints on the baggie, none of them mine but the judge still gave me six months "to think over my life". It was a railroad job all the way around because I belong to a biker club.

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