Chapter 17 - Tank's out!

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The Downing kids had been afraid of all the big men at first but it didn't take long before little Amy had them wrapped around her little finger. But instead of Thor, her "go to" person was Digger, which Stephanie found just adorable. It also turned on her biological clock and she began hinting to Digger about wanting a baby soon. After spending time with those kids over the past couple of days, Digger wasn't totally opposed to the idea.

On Monday afternoon, Butcher made a frantic call to Doc to come to his house. Apparently Margie was having labor pains and Butcher was panicking, terrified that he was going to lose the love of his life because he thought the baby was coming too early.

Doc and Melinda took off in his ambulance with Prez and Thor right behind him. They would be there hopefully just for emotional support but also to hold Butcher back and keep him out of the way if things started to go bad for Margie.

Thankfully, it was just Braxton contractions but Doc did confirm that it wouldn't be much longer before she went into real labor. "Baby has already shifted into a birthing position and your cervix is just starting to thin out. Have you been having any kind of pain before this?" Doc asked.

"Pinching pains in my hips and my lower back has been kind of sore but that's more of a steady ache. I figured it was because of the weight I'm carrying in the front." Margie answered.

After that, Butcher insisted that they move back in at the clubhouse and because she was worried about it happening again and she wanted Doc and Melinda closer, she agreed without putting up too much of an argument.

Once they had Margie all settled into a room closer to the clinic, Prez asked Doc "Doc, do you have everything you might possibly need for Margie and the baby if you end up having to deliver it here?"

"I think I'm going to call Dr. Allen and see if he can get the loan of a warming bed. Not all babies need them so buying one is not necessary for us but when babies do come early, it's a good idea to keep them in one. Baby will need to be kept warm for at least a few hours after birth. Also a monitor for once she goes into labor. I don't have one that will track a fetal heartbeat.

I'm hoping we get enough warning that she's ready to give birth and we can get her to the hospital in time. Melinda is good at what I've taught her and she said she has been a midwife and can deliver babies that come naturally but I'll need a trained nurse to assist me with Margie if I end up having to do an emergency C-section. Even though I pray nothing goes wrong with the baby, we may need a trained baby nurse. Melinda is only one person and she's never had to deal with a baby in distress.

Doc did not disclose that Butcher had talked to him a few months ago that if anything were to go wrong during childbirth that he wanted to make sure that nothing happens to Margie. He couldn't go on if she died and knew he would not be able to take care of a child on his own. He wouldn't want to if Margie was not going to be there with him.

Doc had tried to reassure Butcher that while Margie is older than any of the other women in the club, she was in good health and a strong person. He really didn't see anything that would warrant Butcher worrying about losing her. But Butcher had been adamant and made him promise to save Margie no matter what.

Everyone seemed to be rather on edge for a while after that, especially Prez and Hammer, who kept their women very close to them that night.

Tuesday morning, Prez was up early and wished he had not told Rooster he would pick Tank up from the prison himself but he had given his word that he would. His bike was due to arrive later today and they had a room all ready for him.

When Prez entered the kitchen just after 6 am, he found both Andy and Bubba preparing breakfast. Bubba was showing Andy how to make the sauce for eggs benedict and Andy was saying "I don't know how well this is going to go over. These guys are more of the meat and potato's crowd but I'm glad I know how to make it now."

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