Sharing Moments

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(text in italics are the thoughts in their heads)

I stared at him in pure shock. I couldn't just move from my place and when he opened his mouth, i thought that i would just collapse any moment now. I knew just by seeing his eyes and his voice confirmed it all.

He isn't Adrien Agreste!

Felix : hey luna.

I covered your mouth with my shivering palm and stepped back as he stepped closed to me. I couldn't help but shudder as my back came into contact with the wall and he stood dangerously close to me now. Anything that's going to happen now is my fault. Everything that has happened is my fault. If he leaves me now, it's because of me. "W-what are you doing h-here? Y-you were in London?" I asked and I wanted to kill myself at the spot for sounding as breathless and pathetic as I was right now.

I couldn't help but wonder if he has used the power of those miraculous to get here so quickly. He towered my small figure. 2 inches taller. Hardly 8 cm away. I clutched my t-shirt, trying to stop my hands from shaking so much and looked down while trying my best not to show him that I couldn't breathe. Because of him. But I saw his lips curling into a smirk and I couldn't help but shiver under his intimidating presence. He snaked his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him, leaving no gap in between the two of you.

I gasped and put my palm on his chest and tried to push him back but failed miserably due to my condition right now. He held my nape and made you look up in his eyes and when my eyes met his, I could see the hurt and sadness mixed with worry in his eyes. "F-Felix stop-" I was about to protest but stopped as he hugged me tightly. Now I am wondering whether or not I should ask him about all that. I just patted his back slightly with my shaky hands.

"Why are you here, Felix?" I asked timidly and he broke the hug with eyes full of hurt and i couldn't help but think that it was because of me. Only me. I hurt him. I broke the eye contact, not being able to look into his eyes anymore and pushed him back slightly. "What happened, luna? Please tell me? Don't ignore me please, sweetheart. Did anyone say anything to you?" I heard his pleading voice and i felt more guilty than ever for ignoring him.

I breathed heavily as i tried to form a sentence as i broke into uncontrollable sobs. "w-why didn't you t-tell me about a-anything, Felix? Why do I-I have to know about your p-past from the o-others? Do you not tr-ust me enough to tell me something like t-hat? H-how can I trust you if you're gonna hide important topics of your life from me?" I burst out finally even tho I regretted it badly but i didn't know why I was pouring everything out in front of him.

✧Felix's POV✧

I felt my heart being stabbed repeatedly as i was looking at the love of my life breaking down in front of me completely. She fell on her knees and grabbed a fistful of her hair in frustration and anger. I went towards her and crouched down in front of her and held her shoulders.

She looked at me and I saw her red face and irregular breathing. I pulled her in my embrace and hugged her tightly. "Why? What did you hear? I will tell you everything. Anything you want to know but please, please don't cry because of me. I don't worth your tears." I asked, feeling horrible for making her feel like this. I shouldn't have entered her life. I just added more to her miseries.

I saw her finally looking up in my green orbs, letting me dive into her broken self and also so she could see my real self. "Argos. You are Argos. A-and you stole all the miraculous from ladybug." Those words left her trembling lips in a breathless whisper making me more guilty than ever. I remembered my horrible past and unknowingly i let go of her shoulders. My eyes widened and I saw the last ray of hope crashing in her eyes.

She closed her eyes and backed away from me but then she opened them again with another hope shining within those blue orbs. "I believe that you had some strong reasons behind it right? Please tell me, Felix. Don't be quiet please. Please." She almost begged as she whimpered while clutching my sleeve.

I quickly hugged her to calm her down and wiped my own tears that fell on my cheeks. "I will tell you everything." And with that I told her everything. Every bit of my past that has been eating me up my whole life. I told her.

(Explanation from season 5 episode 24).

She was frozen on her spot and there were a few moments of silence until I stood up and backed away a little before wearing the golden broach which looked like some mini Japanese fan. The kwami flew out and looked around. I looked at her eyes which were filled with surprise. "Dusuu, Thread My Feathers." I spoke and a blue light filled the room and I changed into my alter ego.

She opened her eyes and widened them to the fullest. "This is the Argos they told you about. I don't know what they might have said but I have told you everything about me. The actual Truth." I told her. "Why didn't you tell me about all these earlier?" She whispered while looking down and I harshly wiped off another tear that fell on my cheek.

"This is my truth, luna. I didn't want you to hate me. I know I was selfish to want you without telling you about the consequences and I can understand if you wouldn't want me anym-" I halted as i felt her arms being wrapped around me and I hugged her back when i heard her sobbing. I am the one who put her in this condition. It's all just my fault.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Felix. I shouldn't have asked you or doubted you. It's all my fault. I don't deserve you. I still love you and I always will. I will never ignore you again." She cried and i couldn't help but shudder at her words. "Luna, you do realise what you're saying , right? I-i am not a normal human. I'm a sen-" i tried explaining but I was cut off with an angry glare from her and she held my collar tightly.

"Don't you dare call yourself any kind of monster ever again! You're felix and i love you however you are! I don't care if you can turn into a feather with just a snap of fingers. I will keep that feather with me forever! If I have to, I will re-create you then hide that miraculous from everyone! I won't leave you! Understand!?" She shouted in my face with teary eyes yet fierce glare.

I just hugged her tightly while crying on her shoulder. It's super embarrassing but I don't care! "I love you so much, Luna. Don't ever forget that. You're the first person after my mother who genuinely loves and cares for me even after knowing my truth." I whispered while still hugging her. "Ok but it's already dark outside. Your mom must be worried about you. You should go back home. This outfit also suits you." She said playfully and i chuckled at her. I nodded and kissed her forehead.

"But I will come back soon." I hugged her for the last time before I left for my home. I was very happy, relieved and peaceful now that i told her everything.

✧Luna's POV✧

I cringed when i remembered whatever happened and whatever I said but I know that it was also necessary. I suddenly remembered that Zoe neither called me back nor picked up mine also she didn't reply to my texts. Something is definitely wrong with her.

Misunderstandings are in everyone's lives. The only way not to break apart is talking them out without interference of others. Others only know what they've seen or heard but only the person who experienced it knows what it was and felt like. (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)

To Be Continued
Stay Tuned

Sorry for the late update! I was a bit sick yesterday 🤧..

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