Know Her

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The streets were filled with loud screams and people running to save their lives as a woman walked between them while laughing in a wicked way. There were several craters in the road and the houses were broken.

The woman jumped at the Eiffel Tower and climbed to the top before looking down at the ugly mess she created. She smirked in satisfaction and suddenly a purple mask-like purple light flashed before her face.

"Don't forget to get me my jewels, heart wrecker." The mysterious man in a purple suit said to the girl in black skin tight suit. "I will not, shadow moth." The girl answered back and the purple mask disappeared.

Heart Wrecker hopped to the houseboat of her friends and as soon as she reached there, all the people screamed and started running here and there after seeing her. She looked through the crowd of people and spotted who she was searching for.

"Hello there, marinette. My sweet little sister." She let the words out in a fake sweet tone and marinette widened her eyes looking at her. "Luna?" Marinette asked in disbelief and heart wrecker sighed as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not that dumb girl anymore, b¡tch! I'm heart wrecker and I'm gonna end you today and forever." Heart Wrecker gritted out as she attacked marinette but a black stick came in between and saved her. "Run, marinette!" The superhero in a skin tight black suit yelled as he attacked the akumatized woman in front of him.


"TF are you stopping me for huh!? You're a superhero so you should help me instead!" Heart Wrecker said angrily as she defended herself from the constant attacks from cat noir. "That's what I'm doing. Anyway, what's your name, pretty girl?" Cat noir said in a flirty tone as he winked at heart wrecker. She clenched her jaw as she attacked him.

"It's none of your business and you are going to be dead for not supporting me when you have the chance!" Heart Wrecker yelled as she was about to hit him but a yoyo wrapped around her weapon and it was snatched away from her. She looked at the person who did this with anger and saw the girl in a red skin tight suit with polka dots.

"You both will give me your miraculous and I will kill marinette! No one can stop me! No one!" Heart Wrecker yelled as another weapon formed from her palm and she attacked ladybug.

Ladybug defended herself and stood beside Catnoir. "Where's the akuma?" Ladybug asked Catnoir who was in awe looking at heart wrecker's powers. "How would I know, mi'lady?" He asked back and ladybug sighed.

"What do you even know, kitty?" She teased and did a backflip and picked up something before throwing it at the heart wrecker who caught it perfectly. "you're seriously doing that now? A ketchup bottle?" Heart Wrecker asked as she rolled her eyes in disbelief.

"Why not? Ketchup is yummy!" Cat noir said as he attacked heart wrecker on ladybug's command while she called for her lucky charm. Suddenly a purple mask formed in front of heart wrecker's face again distracting her and she almost got hit by cat noir's stick. "Will you stop interrupting me, old man!?" Heart Wrecker shouted as she pushed cat noir away and shadow moth blinked his eyes twice before he shook his head.

"I'm just informing you that ladybug is nothing without her lucky charm so get it from her." The mask disappeared and heart wrecker looked at ladybug who was looking here and there and cat noir ran towards her to attack her but she dodged and ran towards ladybug.

"LADYBUG!!" Cat noir yelled in an attempt to warn ladybug and it worked as she pulled out her yo-yo but heart wrecker smirked and distracted her into thinking that she was attacking her but stole her lucky charm instead. "NO!" Ladybug shouted with widened eyes but it was of no use. Heart Wrecker smirked looking at them.

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