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Aubrey🍒| 17 years old

"Thank you for shopping at footlocker, come again"I while handing the costumer her bag.

"Olivia finally showed up, you can go home now Aubrey"My manager said while scanning a bunch of shoes.

"Ok"I nodded and went to the employee room to grab my bag. I quickly hurried to the parking lot and got in my car.

I started up the car throwing my bag to the back and closing the door.I drove home as fast as I could, I was just ready to eat and go to sleep.

I pull up at my house to see August sitting on my porch. I stopped the car and I got. Tossing my eyes to the back of my head, I crossed my arms and walked towards him.

"And what do you want?"I questioned.

"Aubrey"He sighed while standing up. "I came here to speak my truth"

"And that is?"I questioned while looking for my house key waiting for August response.

"I like you okay, I didn't tell you that because it takes me time to understand what I have for somebody"

Is he serious? Maybe this is some kind of joke that his friends dared him to do. I don't know what his problem is, but I don't have time for mind games.

"August, I can't" I shook my head before walking towards my front foot.

I quickly locked my car door and went and opened my house door. I locked it back and stomped upstairs to my room.

Sidney sat on my floor searching through a pile of clothes.

"Get out"I huffed while throwing down my bag on the ground.

"What is this"She questioned while holding up a thong.

"Get out!"I exclaimed while dragging her out my room.

I changed into some new clothes and threw my uniform into the washing machine. I walked back to my room and turned on the television.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up. It was an unknown caller.

"Hello"I answered.

"Is you refrigerator running"I heard a little voice say.

"Yeah why"I asked while sitting up in my bed.

"Well you better go catch it"She giggled. It obviously my little sister Sidney. I hung up the phone.

"Gosh your so annoying!"I yelled as loud as I could.

"Sidney and Aubrey, come down here now"My mom demanded. I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the bed.

I shuffled downstairs to be met face to face with my mother.

"Mom why did you have to have another kid she is so annoying and a brat"I groaned clearly frustrated with the both of them.

"She is not a little brat and her name is Sidney so call her by the name I gave her"

"Well tell Sidney to stop going in my room and taking stuff and prank calling"I rolled my eyes.

"She is just a little girl, let her have fun"She sighed while walking into the kitchen.

"She is 10 years old ma, she needs to learn how to stop being a pain the a-"I was about to say before my mom cut me off.

"You not cursing under my roof, and don't talk about your sister like that"My mom lectured.

"Tell her to leave me alone get out my business and then I will stop"

She remained quiet.

"You know mom, it all starts with you. You don't lecture her so she thinks she can get away with what she wants. As soon as I do
something it's take her keys or phone"

My mom remained quiet while grabbing a cutting board.

"I made mistakes in the last I know, but you made worse things. Such as-"

"And this why you father left 'cause of your big ass mouth"My mom sighed while slamming down the cutting board.

That shut me up. How could she say something like that? She knew that when he left, it hurt me for good. I grabbed my keys and stormed out the door.

I sat on the park bench while staring out over the cliff. It was a beautiful sight. I usually went here to calm down ever since my therapist recommended it.

"What are you doing here"I heard a deep voice question.

I looked up to see August.

"Clearing my mind"I let out a breath.

"I kinda of overheard you guys arguing. I'm sorry by the way"He sat next to me on the pair bench.

I ran my hands through my hair.

"August my father left 2 years ago because of me, he cheated on my mom and I told her , and he left"I shook my head.

"I'm pretty sure it's not your fault"

"It's all my fault August if would have just kept my big mouth shut"My voice cracked

August pulled me in a hug. His chin rested on the top of my head and he began to rub my arm up and down.

"Look you were just looking out for her Aubrey. Your dad is a piece of shit for doing that and he's the one that's at fault" He mumbled.

"I don't want to talk about"I sniffed while sinking into his embrace.

My phone buzzed. I sighed knowing that it was my mother who was calling. I turned off my phone.

"I gotta go August"I shook my head while removing myself from him.
I stared up at the ceiling while frank ocean blasted through my room. I heard a point at the door.

"Honey open up"I heard my moms muffled voice yell.

Knowing she could break down the door I got up and opened it.I went and sat back on the bed.

"Honey I'm sorry for what I said I was just in the moment"She sighed while closing the door behind her.

"Your right"I sighed while looking down picking that the feathered pillow. "I should have kept my mouth closed"

"No honey, what you did was the right thing, I shouldn't have made you feel bad about it"

She gave me a right hug. I stood up and walked into Sidney's room and sat on her bed.

"I'm sorry Sidney for calling you a brat and stuff"I sighed.

"I'm sorry for being annoying also"She turned off her I-pad and directed her full attention towards me. "I love you"

"I love you too"I said and hugged her back.

"I got something for you"I smiled and went to my room to grab the shoe box.

I went back to her room and sat on the bed.

"Here I know you have been wanting the for the longest"I said while handing her the shoe box.

She opened the box and gasped. Sidney had been begging for a pair of vans for the longest.

"Thank you Aubrey"She smiled and gave her sister a hug.

"Your Welcome"

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