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Aubrey Davis 💜| 17 years old

It's been two weeks and August still hasn't talked to me. The topic of calling quits ran through my head, but something told me to wait.

"Piper come here"I huffed while chasing her.

"No!"She exclaimed while running through the backyard.

This shit is pretty big. I was getting short of breath and I felt began to run down my body. I sighed.

"Piper"I whined.

I finally caught up to her and swooshed her up. I began to place kisses all over her face. She began to squirm in my arms while giggling.

"No! Put me down"She whined.

I laughed.

"It's time for your nap sugar"


"Hello"I sighed while answering the phone. I began to rub Pipers back in circular motions.

"Aubrey you haven't been to work in 4 weeks, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to let you go"My boss informed.

Honestly, I understand. With Piper now being in my life, I was so busy that I couldn't make time for work. But with this reality show, I do get earnings from it.

"I understand. Thank you for allowing me to work for you guys"

"No problem. You need to stop by and pick up your paycheck from a while ago. Also turn in your uniform"He instructed.

"Alright"I sighed and hung up the phone.

"Bitch you got fired"Courtney giggled while walking into our room.

"At least I didn't get fired for taking a bite out of someone's burger"I rolled my eyes.

"Well the bitch been there for too long.  I just assumed she didn't want it no more, so I took a bite"She said defensively.

"Oh wow"I shook my head. Piper stirred in her sleep and I looked down.

"You finally got that little girl to go to sleep" Courtney chuckled while looking at her.

"She is too much, I can't believe she but chucky at chuck-e-cheese yesterday" I giggled while remembering the moment.

"Lord"Courtney shook her head. "I got the video to"She said while showings it.

"Wait hold up,I know that tattoo from anywhere"I said while pointing at the little showing skin of chucky.

"Lol that's August,I'm weak!"Courtney exclaimed.

"Oh Gosh"I shook my head.


"Aubrey can I see you for a second?"August asked. I nodded and stood up. 

I walked over towards him and sat down. I wondered what he has to say. First thing should be an apology.


"Look I'm sorry for ignoring you okay, I was just pissed at you for not telling me"He shrugged.

"August, whether you like it or not, I had every right to keep that secret away from you. I get your angry about me not saying, but after all, it had nothing to do with you"

"You're right"He nodded. "So we cool?"he asked.

"For sure"I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

I picked up his arm pulled back his sleeve. The bite mark was clearly visible on his skin. It's what he deserves.

"And I'm sorry about Piper"I giggled.

"How you know I was chucky?"He asked while laughing.

"Cause I saw that tattoo nigga"I spoke in an obvious tone.

"That shit hurt so bad. I went home almost crying, my mom was like 'that's what you get with yo lightskin ass'"He mocked.

I laughed.

"Really? I better get back to Claire before she gets mad at me for leaving her"I sighed while standing up.

I gave August a kiss and then walked back over towards Claire.

"Bitch you got yo man back"Claire cheered while patting my back.

I smiled.

"I am so ready for college"She tossed her head back and closed her eyes.

"Its gonna be a roller coaster"I imagined. "The whole crew is gonna be there, we ain't gone get no work done"

"Yeah and if a hating ass bitch wanna try us, we laying hands on them"She exclaimedmm

"Period!"I agreed.

"What's gonna happen with Piper?"Claire asked.

"I'm getting an apartment down there. I'll just enroll her in daycare and yeah. I refuse to have her stay in a dorm room"

"If they allow her too"

"This stupid a-"I  almost said but the bell cut me off.

We got our stuff and walked to the cafeteria. I grabbed my food and sat at the table.

"Why does lunch have to be the last period"Courtney asked.

I shrugged.

August sat next to me and Courtney gave him a look.

"Ok damn"He defensively spoke and got up and moved to another table.

"I swear you don't like him"Claire said while sitting next to me. "And not because of the situation that just happened"

"Well cause the n-"She started but got cut off.

"Hey Bitches!"Jackson exclaimed while walking towards the table. "Y'all like my hair?"

"Hell yes that shit is laid"Courtney hypednn

"I know guh. It took a long time and costed too much"Jackson shook his head and at down next to Courtney.

"Well that's because you had like six bundles"Claire shook her head.

"It had to be big bitch"He scoffed while fluffing his hair.

I chuckled.

"How is Peter-Piper?"He questioned while pulling out his compact mirror. I assumed Jackson was about to fix his makeup.

"Why do you call her Peter-Piper?"I giggled.

"Because, Peter-Piper picked a bunch of um"He paused while thinking to himself. "Peter-Piper picked some shit"

I laughed.

"Speaking of Piper,I have to go pick her up"I cleared my throat while getting up to throw away my stuff.


"I want ice cream"Piper pouted and crossed her arms. This child of mine always wants something.

"Well you're not getting it"

"Why!"Piper whined.

"You put glue and you're friends hair. I'm not rewarding bad behavior"I sighed. "I thought I warned you about acting up in school"

She rolled her eyes and I grabbed her hand and popped her. Piper looked at me with tears in her eyes.

I started to feel bad. She had these big beautiful eyes that made you want to hug her for forever. I sighed.

"If you do good tomorrow then I'll get you ice cream"I compromised.

Her eyes shot open.

"All better!"She cheered.

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