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Aubrey🍒| 17 years old

My alarm buzzed as I slowly opened my eyes. I let out a groan and clicked the stop button on my phone. Today was a Saturday which meant I had to go into work. Great.

My day had been boring so far, despite how busy it was. It gets boring ringing up shoes and having to go the back to find a size.

I was changing the receipt paper in the machine until I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey babe"I hear Claire say. I quickly looked up with a smile across my face.

"Hey C"

"May you get these in my size please?" Claire questioned.

I nodded and grabbed the shoe and walked to the back. Once I found it, I returned to where Claire was and handed her the box.

"You are a doll"She smiled while admiring the box. "And why do you have makeup on at work, who you trying to impress?"

"Nobody"I giggled and scanned the shoes.

"Mhm"She shook her head while reaching in her purse for her wallet.

"Your total is one-hundred two dollars and seventy-cents"I started. "But with the discount I added, your at fifty-two"

"Really? Thank you so much Orange"She smiled. "Your always looking out for me and I appreciate it"

"No problem"I responded as Claire handed me her card. I swiped it and handed it back to her. "See you later bitch"

"Bye hoe"Claire smiled as I handed her the receipt.

I heard the door chime and looked up. As Claire was going out, August and Desirae were walking in. I quickly walked to the break room.

"Hey Aubrey, boss wants you to put up the new shoes"

I nodded and walked back out to the public. The cart of boxed shoes were waiting on my. I rolled them to the men's section and began placing them on the shelves.

"Here"The deep voice sounded.

I turned around and saw August holding the orange-nike shoe box. I gave him a fake smile before placing it back on the cart.

"Thanks"I said and walked towards the women's shoe section.

Orlando gave me a small wave once he saw me on the isle. I waved back and pushed my cart towards him.

"Boss too?"He questioned while standing up and grabbing a shoe box off of my cart.

"Yeah"I sighed doing the same.

We both began placing the shoe boxes where they were suppose to go. Out of habit, I began to hum a random song off of the top of my head. Orlando joined in.

"Aye you know that song?"I asked.

"Yeah"Orlando nodded.

"Bet"I nodded.

His watch began to beep and he checked the time and let out a groan.

"Looks like my shift is over with"He smiled. "It was real nice hanging with you for today. See you later"


Soon I got tired of stacking up shoes and went back to the register to take over.

"Oh look it's little Miss.Aubrey"Deseray smirked.

"Oh and look it's little Miss.Deseray"I mocked and rolled my eyes.

"Anyways I'm getting these"She demanded while slamming the shoe box on the counter top.

I grabbed the shoe and rung it up.

"Your total is-"

"I know how to read!"She exclaimed while pulling out her card from her purse.

She wiped it and fortunately it didn't go through. If I could laugh in her face without getting fired, I would.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but your card has declined" I said as loud as possible.

"August my card isn't working"She pouted while grabbing his arm. "Pay for me"

"Alright Aubs, I'm really gone. Catch you tomorrow"He asked while searching in his duffle bag for something.

"Yeah"I batted my eyes and began to twirl my hair. "See you later Florida"

August swiped his card and it went through.I rung it up and put it in the bag.

A unknown number came through my phone.I was outside on the back patio 'cause it's too cold in the house.

"Hello who is this"I questioned while picking at my nails.

"Orlando"They replied.

"Oh hey"I smiled and sat up straight as if he could see me.

"Whatcha' doing orange?"He questioned. I rolled my eyes at the nickname that mostly everybody called me.

"I don't know Florida, just chilling"I chuckled at the nickname I called him.

"How about I pull up?"


"Orlando if you throw me in that pool I'll kill you"I warned as he began to approach me.

I noticed in the corner of my eyes that August and his girl Denise, oops, Deseray began to walk out their house.

"Imma do it anyway"He shrugged. He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

Orlando tossed me in the pool and I quickly swanned up.

"I just got my hair done yesterday"I yelled. I can tell my face was a bright red. Aubrey Davis was highly pissed n

"Just get it done again"He smiled which made me even more mad.

I pulled myself out of the pool and quickly pushed him in. Orlando quickly got out and tossed me back in. I swanned back up.

"Orlando I swear"I let out a huff while pulling myself out of the pool.

"Aww you look cute when your mad"He cooed

"The fuck you mean? I'm always cute"


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