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Aubrey Davis
Location| Gym

"August"I sighed while tapping his shoulder. "I just know you hear me talking to you!

"Aye Chris nice shot"He yelled while clapping his hands. His stupid bitch ass.

I rolled my eyes and left. I went back and sat with Claire.

"He's not paying any attention to me"I mumbled and crossed my arms. "I don't understand why he's mad. It's my business"

"He will come around babe, I promise you"'Claire gave me a slight squeeze on the shoulder.

"I doubt, he acts like I don't exist"I plopped my arms down.

"Just let him think"Claire started. "He'll come to the conclusion that he's being an ass and needs to apologize"

"Well it's taking to long C"I sighed and laid my head in her shoulder.

"I know hun"She nodded while stroking my hair.

"How are you and Caleb?"I asked.

"Good"She hummed while continuing to play in my hair.

It felt great. I haven't been able to get a lot
of sleep lately due to Piper having nightmares in the middle of the night. I laid my head on her lap fell asleep.


"Wake up girly, it's time for lunch"

I woke up and went to the lunch room. I grabbed my lunch and sat down at the table.

August sat two seats away from me. The rest of the crew sat down and started eating there lunch as well.

Some random chick sat by August and started flirting in front of my face. He entertained it too!

I was more than hurt. I stood up and threw my stuff away and went to my car. I started it up and went and picked up Sidney. She hopped in the car and laid her head against the window.

"The camera people are taking a break. Abby was furious that our views were hired and demanded for something to be done"

"Good cause they are annoying"I rolled my eyes and pulled up to Pipers daycare. "Lock the door"I instructed while getting out.

"Okay mom"Sidney giggled.

I walked into her school and signed her out. I signed her out. Piper was crying so hard to where she had snot streaming down her face and began to hiccup.

"Mommy!"She cried and ran to me.

"Aw"I pouted and opened my arms. "I'm here baby stop crying"

I placed her on my hip and began to wipe the tears off.

"She really missed you. We tried to clam her down but she wouldn't"Her teacher sighed. I felt bad for her, when Piper cries, it can get loud.

"I'm so sorry"

I went back to the car and Sidney unlocked it. I strapped Piper in and closed the door.


"Dance"Piper cheered as she tried to dance along with Sidney.

I laughed and turned on some music. We danced and around until Piper got tired.


"He's an ass"Courtney scoffed as she laid a sleeping Piper next to me.

"I know,but I'm not even going to stress over him"I shook my head while picking at my nails.

I went down stairs and grabbed a pack of sliced apples and peanut butter. I went back to my room and sat on my window seat.

"Alright I'm going with Orlando, but I'll see ya"Courtney said while leaving.

I looked out the window and saw August watching tv.

"Mama"I heard Piper whine. I pray that she doesn't start crying.

"Yes baby girl"I questioned while stuffing a apple slice in my mouth.


"Want Mc.Donald's?"I asked.

"Yeah!"She exclaimed and hoped up from the bed.

I slipped both of our shoes on and walked into Sidney's room. She combed her hair into a ponytail and smiled.

"You ready for dance practice?"I asked.

"Yeah"She sighed and grabbed her bag.

"Don't let them talk shit to you. I'll come up there in a heart beat and beat all of their asses. I may be a mom, but I'm still underage"

Sidney giggled. We all walked to the car and I strapped Piper in and put her seatbelt over. I closed the door and went to the passengers side. I put on my seatbelt and started up the car.

"I'm kind of scared of Aubrey"Sid said.

"Why?"I asked.

"Ms. Abby said if I mess up in rehearsal she's taking me out the dance. But I think she's mad because of the show"She mumbled.

"Don't worry, one of the moms told mom that she will stick up for you and if she doesn't then call me!"

She nodded. We pulled up to the Abby lee dance company and she got out and went in. I drove to Mc. Donald's and ordered Piper a kids chicken nugget meal with milk.

Sooner or later I got Pipers food and sat it in the passengers seat. I pulled into the parking lot and opened her Milk.

"Don't waste it"I said while handing it to her.

"I won't!"she demanded.

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