Fragments of the Past | Part 1

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Aayan puffed on his cigarette as he watched the Eiffel Tower shine like a glittering golden candle through an ocean of lights from the window, while a girl, on her knees, rocked back and forth, slowly and gently sucking his cock. He did not know her name.

As the city of Paris continued to glitter and come alive beneath the night sky, he couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment, a surreal quality to the moment. The Eiffel Tower, with its enchanting glow, appeared like a symbol of the unattainable, just beyond his grasp.

The nameless woman's touch was electrifying, and he allowed himself to get lost in the sensations, momentarily forgetting the world outside. Her delicate fingers moved with a gentle grace, and her eyes, which had drawn him in, now held a mischievous glint.

It was an encounter without strings, a momentary escape from reality. The city's heartbeat pulsed below them, while their own rhythm quickened, merging with the enchantment of Paris. In that stolen moment, the City of Love lived up to its name, offering a unique, unforgettable experience under the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.

He had come to Bordeaux for a wedding of a person whom he did not know. It was one of those rich weddings where they invite affluent people to showcase their wealth. Even though Aayan did not have a clue who they were, he accepted the invitation to hide his real intention.

Far from Bordeaux, in the heart of Paris, Aayan sought to reconnect with someone from his past-Akanksha. A girl from his past, with whom he shared a tragic history, had caused a bitter separation, leading him into deep depression and sadness. Despite his stepsister Meera's advice, he is determined to fix the situation with her and rekindle joy in his life.

But things did not unfold as he had imagined in his mind.

Meeting her after three years filled him with anticipation, but the encounter didn't fulfill his desires. He had hoped to see some empathy in her eyes, but to his dismay, she wore the same expression of unresolved anger he remembered from their last meeting. It was clear that the torments of the past had been playing inside her mind since the very day she left India and settled in Paris, and she could not bury those bad days when she felt tortured by Aayan.

As he entered the café where they were supposed to meet, he saw her sitting in the corner. She was wearing a parrot green dress, with a leather jacket hanging off her shoulder. Her elbow rested on the table, and she held her chin in her palm, gazing outside with a distrustful expression, wondering why she had agreed to this meeting. She kept glancing around, seemingly contemplating leaving every second, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

As he approached her table, her gaze fixed on his face. He looked changed, thinner than she remembered him last. He wore a brown jacket over a turtleneck sweater, with a scarf hanging under his jacket. His clothes were all wrinkled and shabby. His eyes were swollen, and his glossy black hair was messed up from the six-hour drive from Bordeaux to Paris. When Akanksha agreed to the meeting, he didn't go to the hotel but came straight to her, and seeing her waiting for him put a smile on his face.

But that smile didn't last long.

Nothing in this world tormented him more than seeing tears fall from Akanksha's eyes. The last time he saw her, she was crying bitterly, thumping his chest with her delicate fist. He had never felt more powerless in his life than on that day, and it haunted him. As he stood there, gazing at Akanksha, a moment came when tears started falling from her black eyes. She was about to grab her keys and purse to leave the café, but Aayan put his hand on hers, sat down, and pleaded with her not to leave so soon.

There was an honesty in his request that Akanksha could not refuse, and she stayed.

As they sat there, trapped in the uncomfortable silence of their unspoken history, the weight of their past hung heavy in the air. It was clear that time hadn't healed the wounds, and the pain of their unresolved conflicts still festered. The bond, once filled with dreams and laughter, now felt like regrets and missed opportunities.

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