A Night of Passion and Peril

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Kushina Ghati, situated in the northernmost region of India, is a sparsely populated valley that boasts stunning natural beauty. To the north, the Beas River flows through the valley, while to the south, the Sutlej River meanders its way. The climate in Kushina Ghati remains consistently cold throughout the year, making it a haven for lovers of chilly weather and picturesque landscapes.

One of the standout features of Kushina Ghati is the regular snowfall that blankets the valley in a pristine white coat during November and December. The confluence of the Beas and Sutlej rivers often results in the formation of frozen deltas, creating ideal conditions for ice-skating enthusiasts to enjoy the frozen waterways.

Tourism plays a pivotal role in the local economy of the valley. The breathtaking mountains, serene rivers, and the winter wonderland atmosphere attract tourists from far and wide. The revenue generated from tourism significantly contributes to the financial well-being of the valley and its residents.

It's worth noting that the entire expanse of Kushina Ghati is owned by the Gautam family. Their ancestral house, perched atop the hill, is believed to have stood for centuries as a testament to the family's enduring presence in the region.

"Why are you so upset? Can't you relax for just one night?" the man shouted angrily at the lady who was searching for her car keys in her bag. "It's almost midnight, and we have a flight to catch in the morning," she said as she finally found the keys and unlocked the car.

"Please, don't worry. We can cancel the flight and go the next day. I'm exhausted from all the walking today. Right now, all I want is to have a drink and fuck you on the balcony."

The girl rolled her eyes and responded, "Yeah, yeah, but first, get inside the car. I'm driving." He smiled and said, "You know I love you. Let's get married and settle in this beautiful place."

"Yeah, did you get permission from your wife?" the girl taunted him. He replied with a sly grin, "She'll join us too."

He sat inside, and she drove away. After half an hour, she realized that she had missed a turn, but she wasn't sure where. The map recalibrated and displayed a long, unfamiliar path. Driving on the mountain roads in the thickening fog made her increasingly uneasy.

"Aryan, wake up. I think we're lost," she said. He opened his eyes, shook his head, and squinted but couldn't see much through the thick fog. He checked the map and reassured her, "Don't worry, just follow the map."

As the fog continued to thicken, the road became more eerie and unsettling. She grew increasingly scared of the road and decided to turn the car around. The sound of owls screeching added to the tension, and her hands started shaking on the steering wheel.

He noticed the grimace on her face and asked, "You look pale, are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay. This map has been recalibrated three times. Now it's saying we should take a U-turn in 800 meters," she replied.

"Take the U-turn then. I don't think we have another option here," he suggested.

"Just a minute ago, it told us to take a left turn, but there was no left turn," she explained.

"Alright, take the U-turn, and then we'll see what happens," he said, relieved that they had reached an agreement on their course of action.

She took the U-turn, pressing the accelerator firmly, while the man beside her started laughing, remarking, "You should have seen your face; you looked stupefied." She chose not to respond, but with a mischievous tone, he suggested, "Step on it, let's get there faster. I can't wait to see you naked."

With an annoyed expression, she retorted, "Can't you think of anything else?" Just as she spoke, the sound of a car door closing came from behind, answering for him, "No, because he's a man, and men are incapable of thinking of anything else." The girl let out a scream before she could react, feeling the fangs of a creature sink into her neck. The pain was excruciating, and she shouted for help, while the man beside her desperately tried to fend off the attacker with punches. However, nothing seemed to deter the creature. In a moment of sheer panic, the girl slammed her foot down on the gas pedal, and the car careened forward, ultimately plunging into a nearby ditch.

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