Oaths of Retribution: Embrace of Darkness

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In the heart of the dense woods on Kushina Hill, Minerva treaded through the midnight shadows, her troubled thoughts consumed by Aayaan's abrupt decision to marry Akanksha. Restless, she continued her solitary journey until the enveloping stillness led her to an isolated clearing.

Standing amidst the ancient trees, with a profound sense of desperation, she raised her hands to the moonlit sky and began an incantation that reverberated through the silent night. "Dico te diablum," she chanted, each word laden with a mysterious power that seemed to draw upon the very essence of the forest.

As Minerva continued her ritual, a swirling mass of inky darkness materialized around her outstretched arms. The black vortex expanded with an otherworldly force, causing the wind to whip through the clearing. Her once-white robe billowed around her, and her hair danced in the tempest she had conjured.

The intensity of her incantation intensified, but the toll on Minerva became evident. Her voice strained, and she gasped for breath as the chanting demanded more than she anticipated. In a moment of exhaustion, she collapsed to the forest floor, panting heavily.

Silence replaced the echoing chants, and in the aftermath, Minerva's eyes caught a glimpse of an enigmatic presence. A foot emerged beneath her gaze, followed by a gentle touch on her chin. Slowly, her eyes were lifted, revealing a mysterious figure that had emerged from the depths of the dark conjuration.

Bathed in the ethereal glow of the moonlit night, a figure of regal presence emerged, donned in an impeccably tailored suit. His eyes, an intense and captivating shade of dark red, spoke volumes without uttering a word — Lucifer. As Minerva's gaze locked onto him, a palpable reverence overcame her. Without hesitation, she stretched her arms wide and inclined her head toward the ground in a profound display of submission.

"Ohhh, father," her voice echoed through the enchanted stillness, carrying a blend of solemnity and entreaty, "accept my kindest regard."

With a mere gesture of his hand, Lucifer, the harbinger of shadows, raised Minerva from her bowed stance. In an unexpected moment of tenderness, he enfolded her in an embrace that transcended the ominous air that surrounded them. The silent communion between father and daughter lingered, a brief respite from the haunting shadows that enveloped the woods.

Amidst the moonlit enchantment, Lucifer, a commanding presence, broke the silence with a question that echoed through the night, "What made you call me at this hour?"

Minerva cast a distressed and sorrowful gaze upon her father. Anxiety emanated from her every pore, evident in the way she carried herself. It was clear that something weighed heavily on her mind, and an urgent need to confide in someone lingered in her eyes.

"I don't know why I call you at this hour, father, but everything is spiraling out of control, and I'm at a loss. The boy refuses to heed my words. He went ahead and married that girl without even informing me, and now I'm left grappling with what to say to him," Minerva admitted, her voice filled with desperation and a touch of sorrow in her gaze.

Lucifer, with an air of paternal reassurance, reached out to Minerva, his voice a soothing balm in the midst of her inner storm. "Minerva, Minerva, calm down, my child. You are dwelling too much on this. The boy will align with our cause, and the woman he married is but a small hindrance – one I'm certain you can easily remove. Look at me, my dearest. Now, tell me what truly burdens your heart."

"Why didn't he tell me?" Minerva's voice cracked with a mix of anger and hurt, her eyes reflecting the storm within. "He used to confide everything – troubles, moments shared in passion. Now, he chose silence. Why didn't he consult me?" Tears welled up in her eyes, each drop a testament to the emotional tempest raging beneath the surface.

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