The Beast Unleashed

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Lucifer leaped forward, laughing fanatically, and advanced toward Aayan, who was panting after defeating Dragon Master. As Lucifer approached, Aayan rushed forward and abruptly halted, blocking his path. "You won't get near him until I see my sister," he declared firmly.

Lucifer's eyes gleamed with malicious intent as he taunted, "Oh, but why rush, Aayan? Your sister is safe... for now."

Aayan's breath quickened, his chest heaving with exertion. He stood firm, blocking Lucifer's path, and demanded, "Bring her to me first. Then you can have his body."

Lucifer's laughter echoed malignantly as he taunted, "And how do you plan to stop me? I have a whole army behind me. They could all rush him right now and take him away from you."

Aayan remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he stared sternly into Lucifer's eyes.

Lucifer sensed the tension and decided not to escalate the situation further. He laughed, placing a hand on Aayan's shoulder. "Why the intense stare? Normally, I'd crush those eyes without a second thought. But today, you've done something that puts me in your debt. So, I'll let it slide," he said with a smirk. With a swift motion, he gestured and a projection of one of his men appeared. "Bring her here right now," he commanded.

"You see, Aayan, we're friends here. There's no need for hostility," Lucifer said, placing his arms on Aayan's shoulders. "You have no idea what you've accomplished today. We've practically won the world. Now, let's talk about your future. You've done me a great service, and you shall be rewarded handsomely. You will be my right hand, and together, we can rule this world."

Lucifer laughed in ecstasy, reveling in the moment, while Aayan stood in silence, his gaze fixed on Lucifer, observing his every move.

"You can have it all—power, money, everything at your feet," Lucifer exclaimed, his joy palpable. "You've always had the means, but now, you can have any woman you desire. You can indulge your every lust. Even that Parisian girl you fancied, she can be yours," he said, enticing Aayan with the promise of limitless pleasures.

Aayan stood patiently, his expression unchanged, as he gazed straight into Lucifer's eyes, as if expecting some reaction from him.

Soon, Meera was escorted by two soldiers of the black army. Her face bore cut marks, as did her neck, evidence of Lucifer's torture. Aayan could see her suffering, but what he didn't realize was that most of the cuts were from their passionate encounter.

In a surge of anger and protectiveness, Aayan rushed forward, punching and throwing the soldiers aside to reach Meera.

Lucifer laughed again, his tone mocking. "Easy, boy," he taunted, unfazed by Aayan's outburst.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want this to happen to you," Aayan said softly as he hugged Meera gently, showing his care and concern.

"Now, do I have permission to have his body?" Lucifer asked, turning to Aayan, his tone expectant.

Aayan smiled at Lucifer and replied, "Why not?" Then, he shouted, "NOW, DRAGON MASTER!"

Lucifer was stunned as he turned around, only to find Dragon Master's sword at his neck. "How did you like my trick?" Dragon Master taunted, his grip firm.

As Aayan rushed forward and threw Dragon Master aside, Dragon Master quickly devised a plan to save Meera and defeat Lucifer. He pulled Aayan away from Lucifer, ensuring their conversation was out of earshot. He explained his plan, handing Aayan his sword so it would appear that Aayan had killed him. Dragon Master instructed Aayan not to let Lucifer near him until he had rescued his sister. Aayan understood the plan and its potential for success.

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