A Pact with the Devil

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Under the scorching heat of the relentless sun, the vast expanse of sand shimmered like a sea of gold. Not a single living creature was in sight for miles, the sun's rays capable of burning any being alive. Despite the inhospitable environment, Aayan pressed on, determined in his search for Meera.

The heat washed over the golden sand like a relentless tsunami, yet its harshness seemed to have no effect on Aayan's body. He paid no mind to the scattered bones of animals that had succumbed to the unforgiving nature of this dry, vast ocean of gold. Aayan remained focused, his gaze fixed ahead as he continued to walk determinedly.

From a distance, Lucifer observed Aayan's resilience with a sense of admiration. Despite being accustomed to the searing flames of hell, Lucifer couldn't help but marvel at Aayan's ability to withstand the intense heat of the desert sun. While the inferno of hell was meant to transform him, the scorching rays intended to annihilate a vampire like Aayan seemed powerless against him, unable to singe even a strand of hair on his body. Amused by the sun's futile attempts, Lucifer chuckled to himself before taking flight and heading towards Aayan.

The Lord of Hell hovered in the air, his dark army swiftly closing in behind him. Aayan halted, fixing his gaze on Lucifer as he descended from the sky, blocking out the sun. There was little distance between them now, and Aayan stood still, waiting for Lucifer to make the first move.

To Aayan's surprise, Lucifer approached with his hands raised, declaring, "We don't need to fight each other." He landed gracefully on the hot sand and continued, "We need to talk." Intrigued, Aayan remained silent, curious to hear what Lucifer had to say.

Aayan's voice was filled with venom as he retorted, "What do you have to say, you wretched piece of shit? Your actions have already spoken your words. You are a rotten insect, crawling out from the depths of this universe. I am here to send you back once and for all." His words were laced with determination and a deep-seated resolve to rid the world of Lucifer's malevolent presence.

Lucifer's laughter echoed across the desert as he mocked, "Oh, the holy presence of this world! Look at yourself. You speak of me with such a foul mouth. How much fouler does your mind become when you think of yourself, oh noble soul? Tell me, how many innocent lives have you taken for absolutely no reason other than to quench your thirst?" His words were taunting, aimed at unsettling Aayan's resolve and questioning his own righteousness.

Aayan clenched his teeth, his eyes widening with rage. In that moment, he yearned to crush Lucifer where he stood. Sensing Aayan's anger, Lucifer halted his verbal assault and suggested, "Why don't we sit down and talk like adults? We both know that your hands are more stained with blood than mine." With a smile, Lucifer conjured two chairs from thin air with a circular motion of his hand and gestured for Aayan to sit.

Aayan hesitated, unsure of his next move. While he was aware of Lucifer's crime of abducting his sister, he knew little else about his actions. He decided to confront Lucifer directly, stating, "I want to see my sister first." His voice was firm, reflecting his determination to reunite with his sister before engaging in any further discussion.

Lucifer's voice was calm and collected as he reassured Aayan, "You don't have to worry about her; she is safe and sound, for now, of course. If you came this far to find her, it shows that you care about her. But for me, she is nothing, as you know. If you decide to do anything, she will be dead. I hope you understand how this works." His words carried a veiled threat, reminding Aayan of the consequences should he choose to act against him.

Left with no other viable option, Aayan decided against acting rashly. He cautiously approached and took a seat on the chair that Lucifer had offered. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Aayan inquired, his tone wary yet curious.

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