The Final Showdown

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A soft breeze gently flickered the candle burning beside Lucifer, who was lost in thoughts he had replayed a thousand times. He tightly grasped the hand of his deceased wife, Eve, and wept bitterly. The pain was overwhelming, flowing through his eyes as he cried out to himself, "I will end them all," the words echoing in his mind. As Lucifer opened his eyes, the candle's flame flickered out.

Inside the dark room, Lucifer heard a distant roar that surprised him. He stepped outside to investigate, curious about the source of the sound.

Emerging from the dark dome, Lucifer found himself in the open desert, surrounded by sand. Above him, he saw Dragon Master riding on his dragon, the mighty beast flapping its wings and causing the dirt to swirl around Lucifer. The dragon descended gracefully, landing on the sand and allowing Dragon Master to dismount onto the desert floor.

Seeing Dragon Master standing before him, Lucifer smirked and said, "I've been searching for you for so long, and at last, you've arrived."

"It's time to end your shenanigans and return to where you came from," Dragon Master said in a commanding tone.

"So soon? We haven't even had a proper introduction yet. I came to your house, and you haven't even offered me tea," Lucifer said in a mocking tone.

"I'm not a big fan of your quirky humor. You can have all the tea you want in hell. This is the end of your mischief. You're not going to see anything beyond this. It's better you leave, or I won't mind throwing you back to where you came from," said Dragon Master sternly.

"Is that so, oh, holy Dragon Master? I admire your fierceness. I was once like you, but even more feisty. You were there, you saw me then. You tied me up and burned me alive. Ohhh... I remember it clearly," Lucifer continued with a smirk, "I didn't understand what you were enjoying back then, but I think I see now. It really is fun."

"What do you want? Revenge?" Dragon Master laughed. "And how do you plan to achieve that? With your black army?"

"No, no," Lucifer laughed abruptly. "Not at all. How could you think that these meager dead men could kill you? No, the weapon was given to me by one of your old friends. You met him just a few hours ago. He will be coming after you soon. Either you kill him or he kills you. I am going to relax in my chamber and watch it all unfold."

"I see you've kidnapped his sister and forced him to fight me. How about I finish you right here and save his sister?" said Dragon Master.

"It won't be a bad plan, but it's not going to be that simple," Lucifer said, stepping forward and gazing at the dragon that lurked behind Dragon Master with an intention to kill. "You see, it's not the strength of an individual that wins you a battle," he continued, coming very close and putting his hand on the dragon's neck. "It's how you use them that decides the fate of the battle. The pathetic black army won't be able to beat you if I throw them against you. No, you will crush them," he caressed the dragon and then gazed back at Dragon Master. "So, what I've done is ensure that one of them always has a knife at the neck of his sister. If you or your men try to touch me, he will slice her neck with a gentle, swift motion."

"You've become quite sinister since the last time we met," said Dragon Master.

"I am trying my best to match yours and the gods whose command you follow," said Lucifer.

"You're not going to succeed, I hope you know that," said Dragon Master.

"We will see about that," said Lucifer.

Dragon Master did not like what Lucifer was planning, and he could feel the weight of potential defeat pressing down on him. He knew Aayan was strong, and Wolfgang wouldn't be able to hold him for long. He could sense Aayan coming in his direction. Finally, he said, "You know that I don't care about the girl you've kept hostage."

"I know that very well. Besides, it won't be the first innocent girl whom you've let die. You're quite good at letting innocent people go through torture. To be honest, I never understood the meaning of your existence," said Lucifer.

"You are lying. You know exactly why I exist. I am here to maintain the balance that you try to disrupt once again. I remember the last time how you defiled that innocent woman who was chosen for a purpose. But I did not let you succeed that time, and I won't let you win this time either," said Dragon Master.

Lucifer laughed and said, "I did not disrupt anything, not now," then turned agitated. "Not then," he came close to Dragon Master. "That boy is coming running in this direction," he raised both arms. "You can't stop him. Whether you throw me back to hell or not, one thing is certain: that girl is going to die, and he will blame you too for not saving her."

Dragon Master, feeling the weight of the impending confrontation with Aayan, made a quick decision. "Fuck it," he muttered under his breath. He whistled at his dragon and commanded, "Go and keep him busy."

Turning his attention back to Lucifer, Dragon Master declared, "I won't let you succeed at any cost. So..." He opened both fists, and two swords appeared in them. "Are you going to listen to me like a good man, or should I have to kick you down into hell?"

Lucifer took a few steps back, laughing at Dragon Master. "Is that all you can think of?" he taunted. With a swift movement, he turned and ran away from Dragon Master, calling back, "Come chase me if you can!"

He decided to run in the direction of Aayan, and Dragon Master chased after him. Both were running at lightning speed, but Lucifer was soon caught as Dragon Master surpassed him. With a swift motion, Dragon Master swung both swords at Lucifer's neck, but Lucifer managed to avoid them and fell to the ground.

Before Lucifer could settle, Dragon Master came at him with a barrage of sword swings that were tough for Lucifer to avoid. He started skidding back, but Dragon Master swiftly put his heel on Lucifer's neck, stopping his motion.

Dragon Master was ready for his final move, raising his sword to end Lucifer. But then, suddenly, he felt a strong push on his waist that threw him away from Lucifer, sending him swirling back quite a distance.

Lucifer almost felt that it was his end, but he started laughing when he saw Aayan in front of him, panting. Aayan's clothes were torn, his fists were dripping with blood.

"You came just in time," Lucifer laughed fanatically. "Now, kill him, and I will spare your sister."

As Aayan rushed toward Dragon Master, Lucifer watched from afar, positioned between two god-men. Just as the dragon flew up to breathe fire, Lucifer raised his hand and grabbed her in the air, throwing her far away from him.

Lucifer saw Dragon Master running away from Aayan, leading him far away to a place where they couldn't be seen. Lucifer ran after them and observed Dragon Master continuously pulling Aayan away. Lucifer began to think that perhaps Aayan could overpower Dragon Master.

As Lucifer assumed, it soon happened: Aayan took the sword from Dragon Master's hand and started a barrage of attacks. Dragon Master looked weak in front of him, and soon Aayan threw everything at him with both swords.

And the final blow came, just as Lucifer wanted to see. Aayan swished the sword and carved Dragon Master's chest, cutting him deeply. Dragon Master soon fell to his knees and then collapsed to the ground.

Lucifer could not believe his eyes as it happened. Jumping with ecstasy, he laughed, "Dragon Master is dead!"

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