The Silent Enchantment

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Kushina Ghati was in the grip of a bone-chilling cold as an unforgiving eastern wind swept through the valley. The relentless gales caused the ice from the towering mountains to cascade down, blanketing the streets, houses, and trees in a glistening frost. The once-peaceful lakes lay frozen, prompting resourceful locals to carve holes for ice baths.

On this frigid day, a hearty crowd sought refuge in a quaint tavern that offered solace through its warm spirits and hearty fare. People gathered there, finding comfort and camaraderie in alcohol and meat – a much-needed elixir to combat the harsh weather. Laughter and merriment filled the air as they played music, danced, and, in their revelry, shared more than a few spills of alcohol.

The lively atmosphere in the tavern came to a sudden hush as an unfamiliar figure strode through the entrance. He possessed an imposing stature, his broad and powerful physique casting a shadow of apprehension over the patrons. His beard and mustache, though not extraordinarily long, were a dense thicket of white, frost-laden hair. Unperturbed by the prying gazes directed his way, he settled into a vacant seat.

An air of uncertainty hung over the crowd as they cautiously resumed their festivities, eyeing the enigmatic newcomer. Breaking the silence, he beckoned a server over and ordered, "Bring me some piping hot lamb meat, and keep the beer flowing. What else is on the menu today?" The server responded, "It's still early in the day, so we have lamb stew, roasted chicken, and vegetable stew available."

The man nodded and said, "Very well, bring me two plates of everything. I have a long journey ahead." The server acknowledged his request, responding, "It will take a little while, but you can savor your beer in the meantime," as he began clearing the table. He then inquired, "May I ask where you are headed?"

In his rugged voice, the man replied, "Nay, I am bound for the temple atop this very mountain."

"Why on earth would you want to go there?" the server asked, aghast. "That temple is considered haunted, and nobody from this town ventures to the top of the mountain. There are tales of a vengeful spirit residing there, claiming the lives of many of our townsfolk."

The man, undeterred, offered a cryptic smile. "I don't concern myself with such stories," he replied. "Just bring me the food." With that, he retrieved a note from his pocket and handed it to the server. "Consider this a token of my appreciation. Perhaps it will help expedite things around here for me."

The server promptly returned with a pitcher of beer and a glass, yet the man chose not to use the glass. Instead, he indulged in the brew directly from the pitcher. Soon, his table was laden with servings of roasted chicken, lamb stew, and vegetable stew, and he voraciously consumed them all. The crowd around him watched in astonishment as he devoured the substantial amount of food and beer with seemingly insatiable appetite.

A resounding burp erupted from him, seizing the attention of the entire establishment, and he washed it down with another hearty gulp of beer. Then, with a satisfied and contented expression, he succumbed to sleep right there at the table, leaving the curious and intrigued onlookers to ponder the enigma of the man and his curious journey to the haunted temple on the mountaintop.

A group of hunters arrived, their faces flushed with excitement from a successful hunt in the mountains. The apparent leader of the group boisterously exclaimed, "Hey, Bora, look at what we've brought for you!"

Their entry into the tavern garnered the attention of the patrons, and they eagerly presented the spoils of their hunt to the restaurant's keeper, Bora, awaiting his reaction.

"That's some fine meat you've brought me, Kalu. Where did you hunt it?" inquired Bora with curiosity.

With a chuckle, Kalu, seated beside the napping stranger, replied, "Oh, why should you worry about where I got it? You keep the meat, and just hand over the money."

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