The Sacrifice

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"Step into reality, old friend," Wolfgang quipped, flashing a smirk at the Dragon Master.

Under the scorching sun and swirling dust, Dragon Master reacquainted himself with sensations long forgotten. His search for the sweet fragrance of flowers was in vain, replaced only by the stench of blood. With a disheartened nod, he turned to Wolfgang and inquired, "How did you find me?"

"Consider yourself a creature of habit," Wolfgang remarked. He tossed a piece of cloth toward Dragon Master, adding, "Put that on; no one wants to see your giant cock exposed."

Dragon Master took the fabric and skillfully wrapped it around his waist. Upon seeing Parth clad in a veiled garment, he playfully inquired, "What mischief have you committed that compels you to conceal your face?"

Wolfgang erupted in hearty laughter at the jest, while Parth responded with a soft smile. "The sun hasn't been very kind to me today," he remarked with a touch of humor.

With a slight smile, the Dragon Master settled onto a sizable chunk of debris beside him, placing his hands on his knees. He inquired, "Now, tell me. Why did you disturb my slumber?"

Wolfgang, his tone laced with surprise, questioned the Dragon Master, "I find it rather astonishing, my friend. With all this turmoil unfolding, you chose to slumber. Have you struck a pact with Razarac, leaving the world to its own demise?"

Dragon Master gazed at Wolfgang and, with a smile, responded, "It's not as simple as it appears. I am aware of the events and the purpose of your visit. To be honest, making a decision in this situation is still a challenge for me."

"Dragon, there's no rush for a decision. He's still a child, unaware of the consequences of his actions," Parth reassured.

"He may be a child, but he's a savage beast intoxicated with arrogant power. His continued existence poses a threat to this world," Wolfgang declared solemnly.

"Wolfgang, I understand you're hesitant to end the boy's life," Dragon Master remarked, turning his gaze to Parth. "However, I don't see an alternative. We have to eliminate that boy."

"End that boy's life," Parth implored with emotion. "He has known nothing but hatred and found solace in the eternal love of his mother, who exists with him in immortality. Dragon Master, you're suggesting the death of a child."

"Yes, I've proposed it, but it's not within my power to end him. He carries the blessing of Mitrandai; he is impervious to death," Dragon Master explained.

"What are you suggesting, Dragon Master?" Wolfgang questioned, "If you can't end the boy either, what options do we have? Allow him to wreak havoc and destroy this world?"

"For now, I believe we should engage in conversation with him, help him understand the gravity of his actions. There might be a chance that he'll comprehend," the Dragon Master suggested in a polite tone.

"Do you believe we traversed thousands of miles just to hear you suggest talking?" Wolfgang retorted. "Don't you think I would have attempted persuasion before seeking you out? Our efforts have been in vain. That boy is beyond the reach of reason."

The Dragon Master gazed at Wolfgang with disappointment and spoke, "I understand your predicament, Wolfgang, and the urge to end that boy. However, the decision of his life or death is not yours to make. It lies with the one who granted him life, to determine whether he should exist or perish." Turning to Parth, Dragon Master inquired, "What do say Parth?"

Parth took a few moments before responding. The Dragon Master sought answers in his eyes, while Wolfgang's gaze already hinted at his stance. After a thoughtful silence, Parth finally spoke, "My response won't defy destiny. If fate decrees his death, my stance holds no significance. However, Dragon, whenever I envision that boy, I see his mother weeping. She appears before me, accusing me of what I've done for her son, and the response is nothing. If it is his destiny to die, then it becomes imperative for me to meet my end before that. I am solely responsible for all of this, and there is no one else to blame but me."

"What nonsense are you spouting, Parth," retorted Wolfgang, "That kid didn't just fall out of the sky; he's well aware of his strength. Did you not witness how he spoke to me? Don't sugarcoat his misdeeds. You aren't accountable for whatever he's done. You granted him life, and he used it to indulge his ego. The responsibility is not yours."

Wolfgang sensed the direction in which the conversation was headed. A peculiar feeling settled within him. Even though he had embarked on this journey with the same purpose, but as things neared their conclusion, emotions stirred within his heart. The friendship that spanned thousands of years seemed to be reaching its final chapter. Wolfgang found himself caught in a dilemma, a fear that lingered despite the impending resolution. He dreaded that even if everything concluded now, he would return to this earth, but his closest friend would not be there, and he would have to depart, carrying the weight of sorrow then.

"Calm yourself, Wolfgang," advised the Dragon Master, "and let him continue."

Parth continued to speak, "I would have put an end to my life that very day to maintain the balance of this world, but I couldn't depart without seeing my friends. Dragon, if my life holds any value to you, then preserve it," Parth placed his hand over his chest, extracted his heart, and presented it on his palm before the Dragon Master. The heart ignited in flames, and gradually, Parth's entire body started to burn. In his final moments, he beseeched both of them, "Spare that boy's life," leaving a smile for his friend as his body was consumed by fire.

Wolfgang rushed to extinguish the flames, but the intensity of the fire made it impossible for him to even touch it. Parth continued to burn, maintaining a calm posture, while the Dragon Master observed the spectacle in tranquility. As the flames consumed him, Parth transformed into a pile of ashes. Wolfgang, now on his knees and tearful, shouted loudly, "Do you think I will honor your last words, Parth? No, that boy will certainly meet his end, and it will be by my hands."

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