A Hasty Union

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A mysterious aura enveloped Kushina Hill following the demise of Adam, leaving its inhabitants with an unsettling feeling. Aayaan stood atop his castle, observing the sun dip below the mountains. A peculiar sensation coursed through his body, liberating him from any lingering guilt. His gaze drifted to Akanksha's room with an open window, where she stood, captivated by the view of Aayaan on the roof. Although her thoughts were undefined, it provided ample motivation for Aayaan to pay her an unexpected visit.

He approached the door, and the maid promptly opened it. Avesh's dissatisfaction with Aayaan was palpable; everyone had come to their house to offer condolences, but Aayaan was the last to arrive. Avesh was aware of the deep affection Aayaan held for his daughter, and he had harbored no objections to them marrying—indeed, it had been his fervent desire. However, circumstances unfolded differently than he would have wished, and he remained oblivious to the events that transpired between them.

He entered with the usual greeting for Avesh and headed straight to Akanksha's bedroom. There she was, still grieving over Adam's loss. Aayaan walked in, and as she turned around, she couldn't help but notice something different about him. He seemed changed, unlike his usual self, and she couldn't ignore the absence of pity in his eyes that others had shown before.

"Did he mean so much to you that you're dressed like a widow?" Aayaan asked, his tone carrying a hint of arrogance.

"If you're here to mock my grief, then just leave. I don't need anyone, especially not you," Akanksha retorted angrily.

"How does it feel to know that he died because of you?" Aayaan asked coldly, further fueling Akanksha's anger.

"Get out of the house," Akanksha demanded.

"He would have been alive if you were with me. Can't you see? The universe is telling us that we should be together. He would have been alive, and we could have had a happy family if you weren't with him," Aayaan said, albeit reluctantly.

"You're full of nonsense and shit. I don't want you here; get lost!" She began punching his chest and pushing him towards the door, but he stubbornly remained in place.

He took control of her hand and said, "Look at what you've done. Not only to him but to yourself." He firmly grabbed both of her hands, turned her around, and pulled her into his arms. She was unable to resist, and he guided her towards the mirror, stating, "Look at yourself. Is this really you?"

Her breath became heavy as she struggled to free herself from his strong grip. Catching a glimpse of her pale face and weakened body in the mirror, Aayaan seized her chin and demanded, "Tell me, is this really you?"

Akanksha continued to struggle in his arms, but Aayaan pressed on, "No, it ain't you. It's just a mask. You never truly cared about him. If you did, you wouldn't be able to live a single day without him. Yet here you are, standing with that sad face, wearing a mask to pretend how much you cared. You're waiting for everyone to forget that there was someone you loved, and he's gone. Look at us. We survived the death of our children for each other. We're sinners, and we have to live as sinners without regrets. Listen to me, and stop struggling like that." He released her and let her go.

She was crying and pleaded with him, "Why are you doing this to me? Haven't you done enough to hurt me?"

"No, I won't leave until I've shattered you into pieces. I'm not leaving until you're with me once and for all," said Aayaan determinedly.

"I can't, I can't. I hate you, I hate you for everything," cried Akanksha.

"I know, that's why you deserve me. If you truly want to punish yourself, then stop wearing that mask and accept the misery that comes your way," said Aayaan.

Akanksha had nothing to say to him. She fell onto the floor, crying, and Aayaan left the room to talk to Avesh. He expressed his desire to marry Avesh's daughter by evening. Avesh, unsure of what to say, told him he wouldn't mind if Akanksha agreed. While they were discussing, Akanksha slowly descended the stairs and, with tears still in her eyes, agreed to Aayaan's proposal.

It wasn't a joyous union between the two; instead, it felt like a punishment for one and a triumph for the other. Aayaan accepted his fate that day, choosing to be unapologetic for the events that transpired. He was done blaming himself, realizing it brought nothing. Now understanding the power he held, he embraced every moment from that day forward, ready to face whatever came his way.

The wedding took place that evening in a highly unusual manner. Both the bride and groom were not dressed conventionally, leaving the priest confused and clueless. Despite Avesh and his wife suggesting that it was a terrible time, the couple stubbornly refused to postpone the ceremony. It turned into a most unceremonious occasion, with no one seeming happy. However, the person who appeared the most displeased and almost angry was Minerva. She had tried to talk to Aayaan, but he remained adamant. He told her that he didn't need her anymore. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't change his mind and felt a profound sense of loss.

Meera arrived on short notice, despite Aayaan's initial reluctance to invite her. Avesh insisted, noting the absence of anyone from Aayaan's family. Meera hurried to the Blue Bird Castle and was taken aback by the situation. Although she was happy for them, the swiftness of the event surprised her. She worked swiftly to set things up as much as she could. Meera prepared their bedroom, scattering flowers, but beyond that, the castle remained in a dismal state. She hoped that Akanksha might bring about some positive change.

At midnight, Akanksha was brought to the Blue Bird Castle. Meera performed as many rituals as she could, but it didn't lighten the mood of the bride and groom. They seemed disinterested, eager to get the ceremony done as quickly as possible.

When they reached the bedroom, Akanksha remained distant from him. She sat mournfully on the bed that had been decorated for their first night as husband and wife, waiting for the night to be over. Aayaan sat by her side, observing the anger in her eyes. He moved to kiss her lips, but she pressed her hands against him and said, "I am not the only one who has to suffer; you also have to repent for your sins." She distanced herself from him and went to sleep.

"As long as you are with me, I don't think I can suffer at all," said Aayaan as he lay down beside her. He watched her all night, unable to sleep. Though he had hardly spent a night in this bedroom before, seeing her sleeping by his side made him reluctant to leave.

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